水樹奈々 LINKAGE english translation
水樹奈々 LINKAGE song lyrics
水樹奈々 LINKAGE translation
痛み消える前に またできた傷痕
A scar made again before the pain disappeared
戦う証 なぞって目をとじる
Tracing the proof of battle, I close my eyes
断ち切りたい運命 そして君はどこへ
A destiny I want to break out of, and where have you,
過去と未来 モンタージュ ゆがんで消えた
Distorting the montage of past and future, disappeared to
どうすればいい そんな思いが かけめぐって また戻って
What should I do—that kind of thought races around and returns again
剣をかまえる時 願いはカタチを変えない
When I wield a blade, my wishes don't change form
出逢いが呼び起こすpleasure lives
Pleasure lives awakened by encounters
一秒の決意を今 震える唇が叫ぶ
Now with a second's resolution, quavering lips shout out,
"I want us to both live"
いつか離れてしまう手なら キズナをつなぎつづけたい
If it's a hand I will eventually let go of, I want our bond to last
一生に一度だけ 同じ空で 共に生きよう
For once in my life, I want us to live under the same sky
all for win 遠回りしても
All for win—even if we detour
all for wish 途方にくれても
All for wish—even if you don't know which way to turn
こうしてここまで たどり着いたから
We've managed to reach this far like this, so
君が望む世界 僕が臨む覚悟
The world you wish for, the preparedness I approach
交わる時に 響かせようevangile
When they meet, we shall let the Gospel resound
背中合わせだった 鼓動聞こえていた
I could hear the drumbeats back-to-back
心針を合わすように やさしく触れて
Gently touching, just like synchronizing hearts
もう迷わない 大事なひとの 大切なもの 守るために
I won't hesitate to protect the things precious to the people who matter to me anymore
この身をささげる時 願いは姿をあらわす
When I offer this body, my wishes will show their form
女神は僕たちを見てる 光の日も闇の夜も
The Goddess is watching us, on the bright days and the dark nights
一人で立ち上がれるなら 誰かを救える
If I can stand up alone, I can save someone
いつか離れてしまう手でも キズナを信じつづけたい
Even if it's a hand I will eventually let go of, I want to believe in our bond
出逢ったのは必然 同じ空へ くちづけしよう
That we met is certainly to kiss under same skies
愛と呼ぶにはあまりに 短い言葉だとしても
Even if love is just too short a word to call it
That smile you first showed me
僕は君を あの日選んだ
I chose you that day
きっときっと超えていくティターンgo away
Surely, surely it will surpass the Titans; go away
出逢いが呼び起こすpleasure lives
Pleasure lives awakened by encounters
一秒の決意を今 震える唇が叫ぶ
Now with a second's resolution, quavering lips shout out,
"I want us to both live"
いつか離れてしまう手なら キズナをつなぎつづけたい
If it's a hand I will eventually let go of, I want our bond to last
一生に一度だけ 同じ空で 共に生きよう
For once in my life, I want us to live under the same sky
all for win 遠回りしても
All for win—even if we detour
all for wish 途方にくれても
All for wish—even if you don't know which way to turn
こうして君まで たどり着いたから
We've managed to reach this far like this, so
必ず叶える キズナはpleasure lives
It will definitely come true; our bond is life's pleasure