桑田佳祐 白い恋人達 english translation

桑田佳祐 白い恋人達 song lyrics
桑田佳祐 白い恋人達 translation
when the snow falls piling all night
sadness starts piling up inside my chest
extinguishing the flames in my heart with tears
I was watching the seasons passing by

outside, even the sighs get frozen
the wind crying through the winter dried tree lines in the street
at that red bricked wagon station
二度と帰らない誰かを待ってる, Woo…
I'm wating for someone whom will never be back, woo...

今宵 涙こらえて奏でる愛の Serenade
tonight, the love serenade while holding back my tears
a love song that I can't forget even now
雪よもう一度だけこのときめきを Celebrate
Snow, please, celebrate this throbbing only this one time
ひとり泣き濡れた夜に White Love
this white love on this night wet with lonely tears

when the holy sound of the bells peals
I'd see a dream on the farthest end of the city
an angel descending from the skies
春が来る前に微笑みをくれた, Woo…
shared a smile with me before spring came, woo

心折れないように負けないように Loneliness
so my heart does not break nor loose to the loneliness
the white lover is waiting
だから夢と希望を胸に抱いて Foreverness
so embrace your dreams a hopes, foreverness
辛い毎日がやがて White Love
the difficult days someday will turn to white love

今宵 涙こらえて奏でる愛の Serenade
tonight, the love serenade while holding back my tears
a love song that I can't forget even now
せめてもう一度だけこの出発(たびだち)を Celebrate
at least one last time let's celebrate this departure
ひとり泣き濡れた冬に White Love, Ah…
white love for this winter wet with lonely tears, ah...
永遠(とわ)の White Love
eternal white love
My Love
my love

ただ逢いたくて もうせつなくて
I just want to see you, so painful
I miss you... tears