松たか子 花のように english translation
松たか子 花のように song lyrics
松たか子 花のように translation
风が运ぶ风铃の音に 振り返れば夏空
The wind carries the sound of the wind,when I look back to the summer sky
白いシャツの少がいた ヒマワリの径(こみち)
a girl with a white shirt was there, near the sunflowers
君は何処へ消えたの ちょっと待っててと言ったきり
where have you disappeared to, I told you to wait for a minute
わたし何処を见てたの 眩しいばかり
where was I looking at, always dazzling
花のように 风のように いつまでも胸にあるよ
Like a flower, like the wind you are forever in my heart
戻れるなら 戻れるなら 阳炎のあの
only if I could return to the sunrise on that day
夏を送る线香花火 ふいに肩を抱かれて
summer is burning,the fireworks of festival, unexpectedly caught off my shoulders
切なすぎる优しいキス さよならのかわり
too gentle of a kiss, instead of a goodbye
唇をかみしめて うつむいたまま歩いた
as I shut my lips, they toppled over just before I was leaving
君の涙の理由(わけ)を まだ知る由もなく
The reason behind your tears, I still don't know it
花のように 风のように そのままで胸にあるよ
Like the flower, like the wind just like that you are in my heart
戻れるなら 戻れるなら 阳炎のあの日
only if I could return to the sunrise on that day
どんなふうに 言うのだろう 今君がここにいたら
how can you say this so casually, now that you have come here
いまだ遥か 旅の(さなか) あの夏は远く
I'm still in the middle of a long journey, that summer is far away
花のように 风のように いつまでも胸にあるよ
Like a flower, like the wind you are forever in my heart
戻れるなら 戻れるなら あの夏のあの日
only if I could return to that day of that summer