李玟 顏色 english translation

李玟 顏色 song lyrics
李玟 顏色 translation
讓愛能擴散到四面八方 不被千山萬水阻擋
let love spread to every direction. don't be hindered by long journeys
雙手把人間圍成個相框 紀錄來往的時光
both hands make humanity into a photo frame to remember future and past times

The place where we meet is called heaven
用愛連接整個世界 感情無限延長
use love to connect the world. feelings limitlessly spread out
感動隨時都餘波蕩漾 讓心比昨天更開朗
moved at any time, the repercussions of admiration. make your heart more open than yesterday.

不管你的臉是那種顏色 黑白或泛黃 像親人一樣
no matter what color your face is, black, white or yellow, you're like a relative
不管你的粧是什麼顏色 只要心夠真 就值得被欣賞
no matter what color your clothes are, as long as your heart is true enough, you're worth appreciation

The place where we meet is called heaven
用愛連接整個世界 感情無限延長
use love to connect the world. feelings limitlessly spread out
moved at any time, the repercussions of admiration. make your heart more open than yesterday.

不管你的臉是那種顏色 黑白或泛黃 像親人一樣
no matter what color your face is, black, white or yellow, you're like a relative
不管你的粧是什麼顏色 只要心夠真 就值得被欣賞
no matter what color your clothes are, as long as your heart is true enough, you're worth appreciation

不管你的臉是那種顏色 黑白或泛黃 像親人一樣
no matter what color your face is, black, white or yellow, you're like a relative
不管你的粧是什麼顏色 只要心夠真 就值得被欣賞
no matter what color your clothes are, as long as your heart is true enough, you're worth appreciation