でんぱ組.inc W.W.D english translation

でんぱ組.inc W.W.D song lyrics
でんぱ組.inc W.W.D translation
Bonjour! nous sommes""
Hello! We are ""
Grupo del idolo japones.
We're a Japanese idol group
"Dempa" is "Diànbō" in Chinese
Akihabara to all over the world!!!
Akihabara to all over the world!!!
Per favore ci ricordi.
Please listen to our story.
Sind Sie bereit?
Are you ready?
あー よっしゃ いくぞー みりん! りさ! ねむ! えい!
Ah Okay, here we go Mirin! Risa! Nemu! Ei!
もが! ピンキー! でんぱ組!
Moga! Pinky! Dempagumi!

いじめられ 部屋にひきこもっていた
I was bullied and so I locked myself away in my room
ゲーセンだけが 私の居場所だった
The arcade was the only place I felt I belonged

夢破れ やぶれかぶれになってた
My dreams destroyed, I became desperate
ふと 気づいたら ここで笑ってた
but suddenly I realized that I was smiling here

ラジオだけが 友達だった
The radio was my only friend
中二病 ひどくて みんな ひいてた
My horrible eighth-grader syndrome made everyone

動画サイト たくさん 「踊ってみた」よ (踊ってみたみた)
I uploaded lots of "Odottemita" to a video site (Odottemitamita)
再生数のため パソコン かじりついてた (ポチポチポチポチ)
I was attached to the computer to get more views (click click click click)

アニメ マンガ 田舎で 憧れてた
I admired anime and manga from the countryside
聖地・アキバ 私 ここで生きてます
My Holy Land, Akiba this is where I live

ずっと ずっと ひきこもって ネトゲやってた
For a long, long time I was shut inside playing online games
両手じゃ足りないから ファンクションキー足で押してた
Two hands weren't enough so I pressed the function key with my foot

Even we who had nothing
Are aiming for a huge dream
バカにしたって ケッコーケッコー
We don't mind, don't care if you make fun of us
そんなん 慣れっこ どーぞ どーぞ
We're used to it so go ahead, go ahead
でん! でん! でん! でん!
Dem! Dem! Dem! Dem!
でん! でん! でん! でん! でん! でん! でん! でん!
Dem! Dem! Dem! Dem! Dem! Dem! Dem! Dem!

今 ちっちゃいちっちゃいちっちゃいちっちゃいステージだけど
Though now we're on a teeny teeny teeny teeny stage
いつか でっかいでっかいでっかいでっかい世界はばたいて
someday we'll spread our wings out into the huge huge huge huge world
みんなに 届けよう
And deliver to everyone
ビリビリの でんぱ!
electrifying DEMPA!
どこまでも行ける 捨てるものなんかない
We can go anywhere, we've got nothing to lose
マイナスからのスタート 舐めんな!
This is our start from less-than-nothing, don't take it lightly!

今日 ドッタンバッタンドッタンバッタン もがいていても
Even if today we crash and bang and crash and bang around and struggle
きっと 月火水木金土日 進化していく
surely on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday we'll evolve
うちらの スタイルで
In our own style
勝ち取るよ 天下!
we'll take victory over the whole world!

生きる場所なんて どこにもなかったんだ
There was nowhere we could belong
今は 夢の 為に 強く 放て!
Now, for the sake of our dreams, We'll release it with strength!

Let me tell you how to use"urya-oi"
Let me tell you how to use"urya-oi"
Please shout it twice after our singing.
Please shout it twice after our singing.
5 4 3 2 1 GO
5 4 3 2 1 GO

ジャパン アメリカ イタリア (うりゃ おい うりゃ おい)
Japan America Italy (URYA-OI URYA-OI)
フランス スペイン タイワン (うりゃ おい うりゃ おい)
France Spain Taiwan (URYA-OI URYA-OI)
ブラジル チャイナ シンガポール (うりゃ おい うりゃ おい)
Brazil China Singapore (URYA-OI URYA-OI)
ワールドワイド でんぱ組
Worldwide Dempagumi
英語は全然ダメです (うりゃ おい うりゃ おい)
Our English is terrible (URYA-OI URYA-OI)
日本語だって厳しい (うりゃ おい うりゃ おい)
Even Japanese is hard (URYA-OI URYA-OI)
言葉じゃないよ ハートだ! (うりゃ おい うりゃ おい)
It's not about words, but our hearts! (URYA-OI URYA-OI)

もし シッチャカメッチャカ てんやわんや わかんなくても
Even if things are all jumbled, chaotic, topsy-turvy and incomprehensible
いつか 点と点はひとつの線になるから
one day these dots will form a single line
あの日 泣いていた
I'm grateful to myself
自分自身に 感謝!
who was crying that day!

産まれてきた意味 やっと わかりはじめてる
I'm finally starting to understand the meaning in my being born
自分 じゃない 誰か の為 歌え!
Sing not for ourselves, but for someone else!
DEMPA-big bang!!!!

I didn't want to go to school. I just played
After all, I wasn't lonely there.
I was the same. I didn't want to step foot out of my room. Online games were my everything.
In the rival group of my favorite online game, she… was there
Yes. In that despised rival group.
We were each other's enemies!

I've been a cosplayer since I was young
Because I admired that cute and shining world.
I was always looking to her. That small, shining girl.
On the other hand, I was helpless…
Time passed, and I became a high schooler.
時は過ぎて、私はメイド長。なぜか二人は 今
Time passed, and I became the Head Maid. I wonder why the two of us are
together now

I despaired in my own powerlessness. I wonder why I found myself in Akihabara…
At the maid cafe where I worked, there was a girl. She was super cute, and seemed lonely…
傷ついた私に 彼女は満面の笑みをくれた。
She turned a big smile to me who had been hurt
少しでも 力になりたい、なぁんて思ったんだよ。
Even just a bit, I wanted to help you is what I thought.
二人は 出会ってしまった
The two of us happened to meet.

みりん りさ ねむ えい もが ピンキー 6つの光を
Mirin, Risa, Nemu, Ei, Moga, Pinky 6 lights
Now, form one!!!!

We were struggling around in the abyss
We've experienced rock bottom, too
You know, it's okay to have dreams
We'll make you see
Our name is

せまいステージから 世界をめざせ
From this small stage, we'll aim for the world
伝えよう ビリビリのでんぱ
Let's send out electrifying DEMPA
どこまでも行ける 捨てるものなんかない
We can go anywhere, we've got nothing to lose
マイナスからのスタート 舐めんな!
This is our start from less-than-nothing, don't take it lightly!

今日 ドッタンバッタンドッタンバッタン もがいていても
Even if today we crash and bang and crash and bang around and struggle
きっと 月火水木金土日 進化していく
surely on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday we'll evolve
うちらの スタイルで
In our own style
勝ち取るよ 天下!
we'll take victory over the whole world!

生きる場所なんて どこにもなかったんだ
There was nowhere we could belong
今は 夢の 為に 強く 放て!
Now, for the sake of our dreams, We'll release it with strength!
自分 じゃない 誰か の為 歌え!
Sing not for ourselves, but for someone else!
DEMPA-big bang!!!!