كارول سماحه مخلصة english translation

كارول سماحه مخلصة song lyrics
كارول سماحه مخلصة translation
(salmt 3lih w ana maska nafsi
I said to him hi while I am.holding my breath
wa2taha 3alashan ma bamshi
that time to make sure
2sado 8ayrana menaha
I will appear infront of him jealous of her
w3ml ka2no maknsh fi bena 8aram
he is acting like we have never been in love
w klmeten w salam salamm
we said two words and i left
w ya doub meshe w edali dahru
when he just gave me his back and left
kol ldomo3 naziltaha)
I fell in tears

w da kaan 7ob w 8aram sininn
and this was a story of love since years
w tla5asule fkilmitin a5barik ehh
all he said was how do you do?
yarabi teb2i kawyesa w hiya sa2alet teb2a min radet 3aleha ana l sininn
I hope you will be fine she asked who is she? I answered I am the years
wahda kanet mo5lesa
a person wa faithful

ana getlak leh w gara7t nafsi
why did I comee to you and hurt myself
w hentaha da ma testahelsh
I hurt myself and I don't deserve that
wala sanya wahda w2eftaha
you don't desrve a second I wasted
wala dam3a nezlet mn 3enaya fyom 3alek
not even a tear that fell. from my eyes for you
tab edha shelha min edek
just ley her hand from yours
ma testahelsh kaman 8erteta
you don't deserve her jealously
wala 7obi lek wala hobahaa
nor my love for her neither hers