حمود الخضر Nafsaha english translation

حمود الخضر Nafsaha song lyrics
حمود الخضر Nafsaha translation
same ! they are same ! they are same !
الـثـواني و الـدقـايــق نـفـسـهـا
they are the same minutes and seconds
بس تـفرق بين نـاس وبين نـاس
but they different from one person to another
حَـد يحـسّ بْها و حَـدْ ما حَسّها
some are conscious of their passing while others are heedless

الحياة أرضٍ حيت من غرسها
life is a land that has come to life due to what is planted in it
والحصاد اليوم من طيب أمسها
today's harvest is yesterday's seeds
نختلف باللي جنينا منّها
we differ in what we reap from it
لكن الأوقات كانت نفسها
but the hours were the same

كـلـنا يمـلـك إرادة واستـطـاعـة
each of us has a will and potential
ما فرق ما بيننا شي يا جماعة
there is no difference between us whatsoever, my people
بالتساوي أربعة وعشرين ساعة
our 24 hours are the same
حد يقايـسـها و حـد ما قـاسـها
some measure them and know the values , some don't

كـل لحظات العـمـر فيـها اسـتــفــادة
every seconds in this life is an opportunity to benefit and learn
وان مضى يومٍ ترا ما به إعـادة
once a day passes and will never return
تمضي الأعمـار ما فـيـها زيــادة
life's becomes shorter, it doesn't increase
تنتـهي بلحظة جميـع أنـفـاسـها
in an instant, all its breathe are over