ZYYG 悲しいほど貴方が好き english translation
Feat REV, WANDS, 長嶋茂雄ZYYG 悲しいほど貴方が好き song lyrics
ZYYG 悲しいほど貴方が好き translation
気がついたら 恋しかった
I missed you when I realized it.
悲しい出来事(ニュース) あふれる街で
In a city full of sad events (news)
On the day when you can not hear your voice
私の すべてが止まる
All of me stops
悲しいほど 貴方がすきで
I like you sadly
If it is too sad, "Why are you?"
This pain is so painful ...
勇気を持って 新しい世界の
With courage to the new world
扉 開け放とう
Let the door open
貴方が 私の心を
You are my heart
I dyed it in the morning glow
So. I'll make it with you
So. I'll make it with you
空を飛ぶ 鳥のように
Like a bird flying in the sky
大空を 自由に飛びたい
I want to fly freely in the sky
貴方がふさぎ込み うつむく日は
The day when you are busy getting on well
私が そっと 照らしてあげたい
I want to gently light up
悲しいほど 貴方がすきで
I like you sadly
Love is a tug of war
どんどん貴方へ 引っ張られていくみたい
It seems like it will be pulled towards you steadily
また明日は 逢えるのかな
I wonder if we can meet tomorrow again.
どうしていいか 分からないくらい
I do not know how to do it
貴方が 私の心を
You are my heart
夕焼けに 染めた
I dyed it at sunset
瞳に 星降る キャンバス
Canvas that falls in the eyes of a star
Which star shows the future?
悲しいほど 貴方がすきで
I like you sadly
If it is too sad, "Why are you?"
This pain is so painful ...
勇気を持って 新しい世界の
With courage to the new world
扉 開け放とう
Let the door open
貴方が 私の心を
You are my heart
I dyed it in a color of seven colors.
I dyed it in a color of seven colors.
So. I'll make it with you
So. I'll make it with you