Yu Takahashi ヤキモチ english translation
Yu Takahashi ヤキモチ song lyrics
Yu Takahashi ヤキモチ translation
君が前に付き合っていた人のこと 僕に打ち明けてくれたとき
When you confided to me about the person you were dating before.
素直に聴いてあげられずに 寂しい思いをさせてしまったね
I could not listen to obediently and made me feel lonely
I knew it was my bad habit to bake yakimachi soon
My selfish thought became a cruel word and I was hurting you
一緒に居られるだけで 手と手を重ね合えるだけで良かったね
Just by staying with me, it would be nice to just overlay my hands with my hands
It may be shining in a familiar place as important as important thing
I want to hug you strongly
自分のためだけに生きている人が 集められたようなこの街で
In this town where people living only for themselves were gathered
I do not want to forget forever happiness that I think from the bottom of my heart forever
I was amenable to you laughing because you like burning yakimochi as soon as you like it
I want to tell you what I love in a way other than words
微笑んでくれた顔も 怒った顔も愛しくて仕方なかったよ
I could not help it because I love both the smiling face and the angry face
打ち明けてくれた過去も 二人が見た青空も忘れない
I will not forget the blue sky that the two people saw in the past who confided me
一緒に居られるだけで 手と手を重ね合えるだけで良かったね
Just by staying with me, it would be nice to just overlay my hands with my hands
It may be shining in a familiar place as important as important thing
微笑んでくれた顔も 怒った顔も愛しくて仕方なかったよ
I could not help it because I love both the smiling face and the angry face
君の事が好きだよ これからもずっと君を抱きしめたい
I love you I want to hug you forever
I want to hug you strongly