Vunk Asa, si? english translation
Vunk Asa, si? song lyrics
Vunk Asa, si? translation
Asa, si?
so what?
Asa, si?
so what?
Ceva nu merge bine emotional,
Something isn't going well emotionally
Am sufletul plin de Extraveral, (Asa, si?)
My soul is full of Advil
Noi doi ne vedem de patru seri,
We've been seeing each other for four days
Facem schimb de prea multe pareri,
We share too many opinions
Rabdarea mi-am pierdut-o de ieri,
I lost my patience since yesterday
Asa am eu la doamne,
That's how I am with the ladies
Multe milioane de ghinioane. (Asa, si?)
Many millions of bad luck streaks (so what?)
Asa si ce daca stau la coada
And so what if I stand in line
Pentru fericire o viata-ntreaga,
For happiness for a whole life
O sa stau la rand si pentru tine
I will stay in line for you as well
Si-o sa-ti dau si tie.
And I'll give to you
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Ceva nu-i bine nici profesional,
Something isn't right professionally
Am multe locuri goale prin buzunar,
I have many empty places in my pocket
Iar maine sigur mai apare ceva,
But tomorrow something will come up for sure
Nu mai conteaza, eu sunt bine si-asa,
It doesn't matter, I'm ok like this
Prietenii mei stiu asta deja
My friends already know this
Ca avem milioane de ghinioane,
That we have millions of bad luck streaks
Ajuta-ne Doamne!! (Asa, si?)
Help us Lord!! (And so?)
Asa si ce daca stau la coada
And so what if I stand in line
Pentru fericire o viata-ntreaga,
For happiness for a whole life
O sa stau la rand si pentru tine
I will stay in line for you as well
Si-o sa-ti dau si tie.
And I'll give to you
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Pai tu crezi ca ei n-au griji cu tona!?
You think they don't have tons of problems?!
Cei din Arizona si cei din Barcelona,
Wha from Arizona, and what's from Barcelona?
Ba au probleme cu gramada
They have a heap of problems
Toti cei din Oradea si cei din Canada,
Everything that's from Oradea and what's from Canada
Poate sa se umple iar paharul,
The cup can be filled
Sa se inunde barul, eu nu-i mai simt amarul,
And he bar floods, I don't feel it's sourness
Orice-ar fi spun "ASA, SI?! "
I'd say "AND SO?!" for everything
Asa si ce daca stau la coada
And so what if I stand in line
Pentru fericire o viata-ntreaga,
For happiness for a whole life
O sa stau la rand si pentru tine
I will stay in line for you as well
Si-o sa-ti dau si tie.
And I'll give to you
Asa, si?
so what?
Asa si ce daca stau la coada
And so what if I stand in line
Pentru fericire o viata-ntreaga,
For happiness for a whole life
O sa stau la rand si pentru tine
I will stay in line for you as well
Si-o sa-ti dau si tie.
And I'll give to you
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there
Asa si asa
here and there