Vama Veche Prieteni english translation

Vama Veche Prieteni song lyrics
Vama Veche Prieteni translation
Ajungi in fata usii dar nu poti intra,
You are arriving in front of the door but you can't go in,
Ti-e foarte greu sa termini ziua-asa,
It is very difficult for you to end your day like that,
Esti singur si nu poti sa ti-o scoti din cap,
You are alone and you can´t get her out of your mind,
Mai are inca haine in dulap,
She still has clothes in your locker,
E seara si e luni si peste tot e-nchis,
It´s evening and everywhere it´s closed,
Strazile sunt ude mai rau nu poate fi,
The streets are wet and it can´t be worse,
Deodata realizezi ca nu e chiar asa,
Suddenly you are realising that it´s not like that,
In Dristor ai pe cineva,
In Dristor you have someone,

Ne ai pe noi, suntem prietenii tai,
You have us, we are your friends
Venim te luam,
We are coming and we will pick you up,
Te ducem unde vrei,
We will drive you wherever you want,
Mai da-o-ncolo frate ca sunt mii ca ea,
Just forget her, there are thousands like her,
Barman da-i de baut ceva,
Bartender! Give him something to drink,
Nu te lasam,
We won´t let you,
Cu tine stam pana-n zori,
We will stay with you until morning,
Te-apuca plansu',
You are starting to cry!
Esti beat si vrei sa te-nsori,
You are drunk and you want to get married!
Chemam o fata sa-ti fac-un masaj,
We will call a girl to make you a massage,
Te scoatem noi din sevraj,
We will get you out of withdrawal.

Radule mai tii minte in var-acum 2 ani,
Radu! do you remember the summer two years ago?
Ce teap-am dat pe terasa la Neptun,
When we didn´t paid at the garden (pub) in Neptun,
Georgel a ramas ca prostu' la masa,
Georgel stood like a fool at the table,
Si l-au fugarit pe dig,
And then they chased him away on the dam,
Sanziana il vrajea pe receptioner,
Sanziana was flirting with the receptionist
Si am dormit vreo 16 in camera,
And we slept around 16 in a room,
Tot ce am eu frumos, frumos in viata mea,
All what do I beautiful have, beautiful in my life,
E pentru ca va am pe voi.
It´s because i have you! (my friends)

Ne ai pe noi, suntem prietenii tai,
You have us, we are your friends
Venim te luam,
We are coming and we will pick you up,
Te ducem unde vrei,
We will drive you wherever you want,
Mai da-o-ncolo frate ca sunt mii ca ea,
Just forget her, there are thousands like her,
Barman da-i de baut ceva,
Bartender! Give him something to drink,
Nu te lasam,
We won´t let you,
Cu tine stam pana-n zori,
We will stay with you until morning,
Te-apuca plansu',
You are starting to cry!
Esti beat si vrei sa te-nsori,
You are drunk and you want to get married!
Si pana nu-ti revii noi nu plecam,
And until you won´t recover yourself, we won´t go
Daca te-nsori divortam.
If you will get married, we are gonna divorce!

Ne ai pe noi, suntem prietenii tai,
You have us, we are your friends
Venim te luam,
We are coming and we will pick you up,
Te ducem unde vrei,
We will drive you wherever you want,
Mai da-o-ncolo frate ca sunt mii ca ea,
Just forget her, there are thousands like her,
Barman da-i de baut ceva,
Bartender! Give him something to drink,
Nu te lasam,
We won´t let you,
Cu tine stam pana-n zori,
We will stay with you until morning,
Te-apuca plansu',
You are starting to cry!
Esti beat si vrei sa te-nsori,
You are drunk and you want to get married!
Si pana nu-ti revii noi nu plecam,
And until you won´t recover yourself, we won´t go
Daca te-nsori divortam,
If you will get married, we are gonna divorce!