Vama Veche Epilog english translation
Vama Veche Epilog song lyrics
Vama Veche Epilog translation
Celor care cred ca lumea asta cu iubire va scapa,
To those who think this world will get away with love
Celor care cred ca dragostea v-a mai schima ceva,
To those who think love is going to change something
Le vom canta, le vom canta, le vom spune asa:
We'll sing to them, we'll sing to them, we'll tell them this
Nimeni n-o sa iti explice ce e dragostea,
Nobody will ever tell you what love is about
Asta singur intr-o zi de vara-o vei afla,
You will find this out alone in a summer day
Si atunci, sa nu uiti, de inima ta.
And then, don't forget, about your heart
Binele si raul-n jurul tau se vor juca,
Good and Evil both around you will dance
Lumea asta moarta, va-ncerca sa-ti fure dragostea,
This dead world will try to steal your hapiness
Niciodata, sa nu uiti de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart
Celor care cred ca visele nu pot muri
To those who think dreams can't die
Celor care stiu ca ura nu naste copi
To those who think hate doesn't have kids
Le vom canta, le vom canta, le vom spune-asa:
We'll sing to them, we'll sing to them, we'll tell them this
Nimeni n-o sa iti explice ce e dragostea,
Nobody will ever tell you what love is about
Asta singur intr-o zi de vara-o vei afla,
You will find this out alone in a summer day
Si atunci, sa nu uiti, de inima ta.
And then, don't forget, about your heart
Binele si raul-n jurul tau se vor juca,
Good and Evil both around you will dance
Lumea asta moarta, va-ncerca sa-ti fure dragostea,
This dead world will try to steal your hapiness
Niciodata, sa nu uiti de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart
Nimeni n-o sa iti explice ce e dragostea,
Nobody will ever tell you what love is about
Asta singur intr-o zi de vara-o vei afla,
You will find this out alone in a summer day
Si atunci, sa nu uiti, de inima ta.
And then, don't forget, about your heart
Binele si raul-n jurul tau se vor juca,
Good and Evil both around you will dance
Lumea asta moarta, va-ncerca sa-ti fure dragostea,
This dead world will try to steal your hapiness
Niciodata, sa nu uiti de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart
Binele si raul-n jurul tau se vor juca,
Good and Evil both around you will dance
Lumea asta moarta, va-ncerca sa-ti fure dragostea,
This dead world will try to steal your hapiness
Niciodata, sa nu uiti de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart
Nimeni n-o sa iti explice ce e dragostea,
Nobody will ever tell you what love is about
Asta singur intr-o zi de vara-o vei afla,
You will find this out alone in a summer day
Si atunci, sa nu uiti, de inima ta.
And then, don't forget, about your heart
Binele si raul-n jurul tau se vor juca,
Good and Evil both around you will dance
Lumea asta moarta, va-ncerca sa-ti fure dragostea,
This dead world will try to steal your hapiness
Niciodata, sa nu uiti de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart
Niciodata, sa nu uiti, de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart
Niciodata, sa nu uiti de inima ta.
Don't you ever forget about your heart