Valkyrien Allstars Harpa english translation

Valkyrien Allstars Harpa song lyrics
Valkyrien Allstars Harpa translation
Syster tala til syster så
Sister spoke to sister thus
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Eg vil meg ne te Sjoar-å
I want to go down to Sjoar-river
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Ko ska me ned te Sjoar-å
Why should we go down to Sjoar-river
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Me heve ingen kle å två
We have no clothes to wash
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Du kan två deg natt og dag
You can wash yourself night and day
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Du tværkje av det Gud deg gav -Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
You won't wash off what God you gave -The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Om du tvær deg så kvit som krit -ved Sande-
If you wash yourself white as chalk -by Sande-
Aldri blir du di syster lik
Never you will be your sister alike
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Du kan två deg så kvit du kan -ved Sande-
You can wash yourself as white as you can -by Sande-
Aldri fær du ein festarmann
Never will you get a bethrothed
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Om du tvær deg så kvit som bein -ved Sande-
If you wash yourself white as bone -by Sande-
Aldri fær du ein festarsvein
Never will you get a fiancé
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Den yngste gjekk fyri som ei sol -ved Sande-
The youngest went ahead like a sun -by Sande-
Den eldre kom etter som orm i jord -Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
The older came after like a snake in the earth -The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Den yngste sette seg på ein stein -ved Sande-
The youngest sat down on a stone -by Sande-
Den eldre skuva ho utfor mein -Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
The older meanly pushed her off -by Sande-
Ho rette opp sin kvite hand
She reached out her white hand
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Å kjære syster hjelp i land
Oh dear sister, help me ashore
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Eg sko gjeva deg gull og jord
I would give you gold and land
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Om du vil hjelpe meg opp av fjord -Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
If you will help me up from the fjord -The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Ligg du der og få du skam
You lay there and have your shame
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Eg vil ha din festarmann
I want your bethrothed
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Den eldste blei kledd i brurehus -ved Sande-
The oldest was dressed in wedding-house -by Sande-
Dei bar for henne dei håge ljus
They carried for her the high light
De tekkje av dei sløre små
You take off the little covered(?)
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Eg tåler ikkje sola sjå
I cannot bear to see the sun
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Det kom ein vind frå norde -ved Sande-
There came a wind from north -by Sande-
Dreiv det liket på fjorde
Carried that body to the fjord
Det kom ein vind fra andre land -ved Sande-
There came a wind from other countries -by Sande-
Dreiv det liket på kvite sand
Carried that body to the white sand
Der gjekk to pilgrimar
There went two pilgrims
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Såg det liket på sanden låg
Saw that body lie on the beach
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Så tok dei hennes gule hår
Then they took her yellow hair
-ved Sande-
-by Sande-
Gjorde harpestrengar små
Made little harp strings
-Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
-The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Det sko ver bryllup i neste by -ved Sande-
A wedding was to be in the next settlement -by Sande-
No vi me prøve vår harpe ny
Now we wish to try our new harp
Dei tok den harpa under skinn -ved Sande-
They took the harp under hide -by Sande-
Så gjekk dei bryllaupsstpga inn -Båra bere så vent eit viv ivi lande-
Then they went into the wedding room -The wave carries so beautiful a wife across the land-
Harpa slo det fysste -ved Sande-
The harp struck the first -by Sande-
Bruri va mi syster
The bride was my sister
Harpa slo det are -ved Sande-
The harp struck the second -by Sande-
Bruri va min bane
The bride was my bane
Harpa slo det tredje -ved Sande- Brudgomen va min bele
The harp struck the third -by Sande- The groom was my suitor
Harpa slo det fjorde -ved Sande-
The harp struck the fourth -by Sande-
Bruri meg forgjorde
The bride did me in
Harpa slo det femte -ved Sande-
The harp struck the fifth -by Sande-
Bruri på å meg spente
The bride pushed me into the river