UNISON SQUARE GARDEN Sugar Song and Bitter Step english translation
UNISON SQUARE GARDEN Sugar Song and Bitter Step song lyrics
UNISON SQUARE GARDEN Sugar Song and Bitter Step translation
天変地異みたいな狂騒にも慣れて こんな日常を
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
平和と見間違う rambling coaster揺さぶられながら
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
見失えないも のは何だ?
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
心までがまるで エトセトラ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
大嫌い 大好きちゃんと喋らなきゃ人形とさし
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
嬉しそうだったり 寂しそ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
うだったり コントラストが五線譜を飛び回り
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
歌とリズムにな る
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
ピーナッツ&ビター ステップ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
世界中を驚 かせてしまう夜になる I feel
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
上々 連鎖になってリフレクト
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
僕らの音楽は道 具に成り下がる?
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
こっちを向いてよ 背を向けないでよ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
それは正論 にならないけど
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
祭囃子のその後で 昂ったままの人
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
泣き出してし まう人
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
多分同じだろう でも言葉にしようものなら稚拙が
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
プ 死ねない理由をそこに映し出せ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
someday 狂騒が息を潜めても
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
someday 正論に意味がなくなっても
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
feeling song & step 鳴らし続けることだけが
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
ピーナッツ&ビター ステップ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
北北東は後方へ その距離が誇らしい
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
ピーナッツ&ビター ステップ
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
世界中を驚 かせてしまう夜になる I feel
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
上々 連鎖になってリフレクション
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!
goes on 一興去って一難去ってまた一興
Marmalade and sugar song, peanuts and bitter step, It's sweet and bitter and sends my head spinning around. Let's head for south-southwest and keep the party going on; tonight will be a night to amaze the entire world. I feel fantastic! Form a chain and reflect!