Txarango Som Foc english translation
Feat The Cat EmpireTxarango Som Foc song lyrics
Txarango Som Foc translation
Som foc tots dos i encara crema.
We are all fire that still burns
Portem a dins el crit d'un món que desespera.
We carry inside the cry of a despairing world
Portem cançons, desitjos nobles.
We have songs, noble desires
Cantem per provar de refer el camí dels pobles.
We sing to try to remake the people's way
Som foc tots dos i encara crema.
We are all fire that still burns
La llibertat és la nostra única bandera.
Freedom is our one and only flag
Portem cançons, desitjos nobles.
We have songs, noble desires
Cantem per provar de refer el camí dels pobles.
We sing to try to remake the people's way
And now where all out here tonight.
And now where all out here tonight
There's something burning,
There's something burning
there's something bright.
there's something bright
Si cau la nit aquí
If night falls here
seguirem sense pressa
We'll follow without hurrying
cantant les nostres cançons,
Singing our songs
explicant batalles, somiant un altre món.
Explaining battles, dreaming of another world
Si cau la nit aquí
If night falls here
ballarem la tristesa
We will dance sadness
lluny dels problemes del món.
Far away from the problems of the world
Un món que balla avui és un món millor.
The world dancing today is a better world
Som foc tots dos i encara crema.
We are all fire that still burns
La llibertat és la nostra única bandera.
Freedom is our one and only flag
Portem cançons, desitjos nobles.
We have songs, noble desires
Cantem per provar de refer el camí dels pobles.
We sing to try to remake the people's way
And now where all out here tonight.
And now where all out here tonight
There's something burning,
There's something burning
there's something bright.
there's something bright
Si cau la nit aquí
If night falls here
seguirem sense pressa
We'll follow without hurrying
cantant les nostres cançons
Singing our songs
explicant batalles, somiant un altre món.
Explaining battles, dreaming of another world
Si cau la nit aquí
If night falls here
ballarem la tristesa
We will dance sadness
lluny dels problemes del món.
Far away from the problems of the world
Un món que balla avui és un món millor.
The world dancing today is a better world
Som foc tots dos i encara crema.
We are all fire that still burns
La llibertat és la nostra única bandera.
Freedom is our one and only flag
Portem cançons, desitjos nobles.
We have songs, noble desires
Cantem per provar de refer el camí dels pobles.
We sing to try to remake the people's way
And now where all out here tonight.
And now where all out here tonight
There's something burning,
There's something burning
there's something bright.
there's something bright
Si cau la nit aquí
If night falls here
seguirem sense pressa
We'll follow without hurrying
cantant les nostres cançons
Singing our songs
explicant batalles, somiant un altre món.
Explaining battles, dreaming of another world
Si cau la nit aquí
If night falls here
ballarem la tristesa
We will dance sadness
lluny dels problemes del món.
Far away from the problems of the world
Un món que balla avui és un món millor.
The world dancing today is a better world
You've gone away.
you've gone away
you've gone away.
you've gone away
You shooting star.
You shooting star
But I'll follow you out there
But I'll follow you out there
and I'll get to where you are.
and I'll get to where you are.