Svartsot Tvende Ravne english translation
Svartsot Tvende Ravne song lyrics
Svartsot Tvende Ravne translation
[Two Ravens.
Two Ravens
This song is about two ravens that are discussing a battle about to take place. Tha ravens (thought and memory) have differing opinions as to how honourable it is to fight and die in the fray. Two ravens, which the song is about, are called Huginn and Muninn -- Odin's two famous Ravens, which he sends out every day to gather information, and they return at night and tell him of everything they've seen.]
Tvande Ravne Two Ravens
[1. ravn:]
[1. ravn:]
Ravn hin sorte sidder i en ask, skuer ud på sletten grøn.
Raven the black sits in an ash, looks across the green plain
Mænd i brynjer samler sig til krig, hvasse økser under himlen blå.
Men in harnesses gather for war, sharp axes under the blue sky
[2. ravn:]
[2. ravn:]
Ravn hin sorte flyver hen fra øst, sætter sig i asken grå.
Raven the black flies from the east, lands in the grey ash
Ravnen siger "Stridsmænd kommer hid, sletter farves rød i dag."
The raven says "Strife-men are coming here; the plain will be dyed red today"
Tvende ravne sidder i asken,
Two ravens sitting in the ash
Tvende ravne skuer på valen,
Two ravens watching the battlefield
Tvende ravne tæller bedrifter,
Two ravens counting feats
Erindring og tanke, de ser på alt.
Memory and thought, they see all
[1. ravn:]
[1. ravn:]
Ravn hin sorte siger til den anden, "Stridsmænd kommer østenfra,
Raven the black says to the other "Strife-men come from the east,
Hjelme glinser stolt i solens lys, (og) faner rander bakkens ås."
Helms glint proud in the sun's light, (and) banners edge the hill's ridge"
[2. ravn:]
[2. ravn:]
Ravn hin sorte siger til den anden, "Her er ej et sted for frygt.
Raven the black says to the other "Here is not a place for fear,
Mange sønner falder her i dag, mødre græder denne kvæld."
Many sons fall here today, mothers weep this eventide"
Tvende ravne sidder i asken,
Two ravens sitting in the ash
Tvende ravne skuer på valen,
Two ravens watching the battlefield
Tvende ravne tæller bedrifter,
Two ravens counting feats
Erindring og tanke, de ser på alt.
Memory and thought, they see all
[1. ravn:]
[1. ravn:]
Ravn hin sorte siger til den anden, "Tapreknejte strider hardt,
Raven the black says to the other "Brave lads fight hard,
Kampråb runger kækt på sletten grøn, hæder er der her at få!"
Battle-cries ring boldly across the green plain, honour is to be gained here!"
[2. ravn:]
[2. ravn:]
Ravn hin sorte siger til den anden, "Ære er ikkun dødemands eje,
Raven the black says to the other "Honour is nought but dead-man's property,
Gravens kulde vender de fleste, mjøden smager bitter der."
The cold of the grave awaits most of them, mead tastes bitter there"
Tvende ravne sidder i asken,
Two ravens sitting in the ash
Tvende ravne skuer på valen,
Two ravens watching the battlefield
Tvende ravne tæller bedrifter,
Two ravens counting feats
Erindring og tanke, de ser på alt.
Memory and thought, they see all