Souls E Emon Porichoy english translation
Souls E Emon Porichoy song lyrics
Souls E Emon Porichoy translation
E Amon porichoy onumoti prarthona
This permission is permissible
E Amon porichoy onumoti prarthona
This permission is permissible
shobinoy nibedon kichui je lagena
Regardless of the solicitation, nothing takes that
nijeri ojante ridoyer ononte
The unknowingly of the heart itself is infinite
kichu kotha bhalo lagaa
Love something
kore jaai rochonaa ||
Let's do the composition
E Amon porichoy onumoti prarthona
This permission is permissible
E Amon porichoy onumoti prarthona
This permission is permissible
Niralae eka eka elomelo bhabnae
Random thinking alone
koto kotha bole jaai
How much we talk
shudhu taari saathe
Only with her
Niralae eka eka elomelo bhabnae
Random thinking alone
koto kotha bole jaai
How much we talk
shudhu taari saathe |
Only with her
e jeno kolpona milono mohona
Imagine that the estuarine is in the estuarine
e jeno kolpona milono mohona
Imagine that the estuarine is in the estuarine
rongin chador bona
Colored sheets
e amon binimoy kichu shubhu shuchonar
The exchange of thought is something good start
E Amon porichoy onumoti prarthona ||
This permission is permissible
Adhare chupi chupi akabaka tulite
Darkly painted curly brace
koto chobi eke jaai ato apon kore
How many pictures can be done so much?
Adhare chupi chupi akabaka tulite
Darkly painted curly brace
koto chobi eke jaai ato apon kore
How many pictures can be done so much?
e jeno probhate gobhiro abeshe
It's a deep obsession with the flow
e jeno probhate gobhiro abeshe
It's a deep obsession with the flow
snigdho shishir chowa
Smooth dew touches
e amon gitimoy kichu shubho shuchona
This is such a good start to something funny
E Amon porichoy onumoti prarthona ||
This permission is permissible
shobinoy nibedon kichui je lagena
Regardless of the solicitation, nothing takes that
nijeri ojante ridoyer ononte
The unknowingly of the heart itself is infinite
kichu kotha bhalo lagaa
Love something
kore jaai rochonaa ||
Let's do the composition
E Amon porichoy E Amon porichoy
Identity is such a identity
Onumoti prarthona Onumoti prarthona
Permission permission permission to pray
E amon binimoy E Amon porichoy
This is such an exchange in exchange
kichu shubhu shuchonar onumoti prarthona
Some happy beginnings allow permission
E amon gitimoy E Amon porichoy
This is such a scary identification
kichu shubho shuchona onumoti prarthona
Some happy beginnings allow permission
E Amon porichoy E Amon porichoy
Identity is such a identity
Onumoti prarthona Onumoti prarthona
Permission permission permission to pray
E amon binimoy E amon porichoy
This is such an exchange in exchange
kichu shubho shuchona
Some Happy Startups