Skank Formato Mínimo english translation
Skank Formato Mínimo song lyrics
Skank Formato Mínimo translation
Começou de súbito
It started suddenly
A festa estava mesmo ótima
The party was really great
Ela procurava um príncipe
She was looking for a prince
Ele procurava a próxima
He was looking for the next girl
Ele reparou nos óculos
He paid attention to her glasses
Ela reparou nas vírgulas
She paid attention to his punctuation
Ele ofereceu-lhe um ácido
He offered her some acid
E ela achou aquilo o máximo
She found that awesome
Os lábios se tocaram ásperos
Their lips touched roughly
Em beijos de tirar o fôlego
With breathtaking kisses
Tímidos, transaram trôpegos
They made a shy, heated love
E ávidos, gozaram rápido
And they reached the peak quickly
Ele procurava álibis
He was looking for alibis
Ela flutuava lépida
She was floating lighthearted
Ele sucumbia ao pânico
He started panicking
E ela descansava lívida
She was a pale image resting
O medo redigiu-se ínfimo
Their fears were now all gone
E ele percebeu a dádiva
He realized how lucky he was
Declarou-se dela, o súdito
And declared himself her vassal
Desenhou-se a história trágica
A tragic story was written
Ele, enfim, dormiu apático
He finally slept, tired
Na noite segredosa e cálida
Into the mysterious, warm night
Ela despertou-se tímida
She woke up shy
Feita do desejo, a vítima
A victim of their lust
Fugiu dali tão rápido
She ran away from there in a hurry
Caminhando passos tétricos
Walking horrified footsteps
Amor em sua mente épico
A legendary love in her mind
Transformado em jogo cínico
Made into a cynical game
Para ele, uma transa típica
For him, just a one-night stand
O amor em seu formato mínimo
Love in its least form
O corpo se expressando clínico
The body expressing itself clinically
Da triste solidão, a rúbrica
Signed by the sad loneliness {PupoSubs}