Sheila On 7 My Lovely english translation

Sheila On 7 My Lovely song lyrics
Sheila On 7 My Lovely translation
Duduk disamping jendela
Sitting beside the window
Lihat mereka bermain bebas
looked at them playing freely
Bermain bebas
playing freely
Bukan enggan bergabung
not unwilling to join them
Bukan takut awan mendung
not afraid of the gray sky
Awan mendung
gray sky

Tak terbayang yang dia pendam
just couldn't imagine what she buried down

Masih asik sendiri tersenyum jari menari
still busying herself, smilling, playing her finger
Kulihat dia menari
I saw her dancing
Tak pernah ada pedih meski sesekali perih
there's no aching, however hurt at times
Meski sesekali perih
hurt at times

Tak terbayang yang dia rasa
could not imagine what she felt

My lovely ingat sakit ini
my lovely, remember this hurt
Sebagai cahaya dalam tiap langkahmu
as a light in your path
Lovely yang kutahu pasti
Lovely, one that I exactly know
bentang cerah masa depanmu menanti
your bright future waiting ahead

Sejenak coba fikirkan
for a while, trying to think
Apa yang mungkin tertanam
what might se buried
Tertanam dibalik mata
buried behind the eyes
Tapi akhirnya apalah daya
but then, what could be
Terhapus oleh senyumnya
vanished by her smile
Saat dia beri senyumnya
when she gave her smile

My lovely ingat sakit ini
my lovely, remember this hurt
Sebagai cahaya dalam tiap langkahmu
as a light in your path
Lovely yang kutahu pasti
Lovely, one that I exactly know
Bentang cerah masa depanmu menanti
your bright future waiting ahead

Masa depan menanti
the future await
Kulihat dia menari
I saw her dancing
Masa depan menanti
the future await
My Lovely
my lovely