Sheila On 7 Bait Pertama english translation

Sheila On 7 Bait Pertama song lyrics
Sheila On 7 Bait Pertama translation
Di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku
(Here I hold on to my fate in my hand)
Aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
I try to resist not cry over you
Di bait pertama
On the first verse

Di bait pertama
On the first verse
Sekuat kaki ini mencoba berlari
As strong as these feet trying to run
Tetapi hati ini menuntunnya kembali
But this heart led it back

Ke bait pertama
To the first verse
Ke bait pertama
To the first verse

Berjalan hidupku tanpamu
My life goes on without you

Hidupku tanpamu di bait pertama
My life without you on the first verse
Sekuat kaki ini mencoba berlari
As strong as these feet trying to run
Tetapi hati ini menuntunnya kembali
But this heart led it back
Ke bait pertama
To the first verse
Ke bait pertama
To the first verse
Berjalan hidupku tanpamu, hidupku tanpamu
My life goes on without you, my life goes on without you
Bertahan karna menantimu, untuk menantimu di bait pertama
Survived because waiting for you, to await on the first verse
(Di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku)
(Here I hold on to my fate in my hand)
(Aku coba menahan tak menangisimu)
I try to resist not cry over you
(Di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku)
(Here I hold on to my fate in my hand)
(Aku coba menahan tak menangisimu)
I try to resist not cry over you