Relja Popovic Beograd Jos Zivi english translation

Relja Popovic Beograd Jos Zivi song lyrics
Relja Popovic Beograd Jos Zivi translation
Nekad izmedju toga da imas sve
Sometimes between that you have everything
i nemas nista stoji samo jedan trenutak.
and nothing exist just one moment

Jedan grad, pitam se gde si sad
One city,im asking myself where are you now
i sta je ljubav kad nekog ubije?
and what is love when it kills somebody
I jos jedan dan da mi je sudbina
And one more day,to be my future
ostacu lud i mlad, poljubi me.
I'm staying crazy and young,kiss me

Haos u glavi, sa tobom do ludila.
Wreck in my head,with you to craziness
Sve sto radis me radi, predobro al' ubija.
Everything you're doing is doing me,too good but it kills
Ma briga me da li si dobra il' losa
I don't care if you're good or bad
za mene uvek si ti dobro dosla.
for me you're always welcome

Sijaju k'o zlato, oci pune suza,
Just like gold eyes full of tears are shinning
Ne bi bila najbolja da nisi tako losa.
You wouldn't be the best if you weren't bad like that
Pridji mi polako, srecna ili tuzna,
Come to me slowly,happy or sad
dobro znas da mi tebe nikad nije dosta.
you know that I'm never tired of you

Beograd jos zivi sa milion zena
Belgrade is still living,with million womens
meni treba jedna noc je stvorena za dvoje.
I need one night,its made for to
Ceo Beograd nas vidi a k'o da nikog nema.
Whole Belgrade is seeing us but it's like no one's there
Kada ove usne moje ljube samo tvoje,
when my lips only kiss yours
druge ne postoje.
others don't exist

Nikad joj nisam rek'o necu
I didn't say to her "I won't"
da mi donesu, barem jos jednom,
To bring to me ,just one more time
bar jos jednu na moju adresu.
Just one on my address
Pa ce se desiti da posle tebe mi
It's gonna happen that after you
opet dolazis ti.
Again you are coming

Haos u glavi,
Wreck in my head
sve sto radis me radi,
Evrything what you doing is horney me
Ma briga me da li si dobra il' losa
I don't care if you're good or bad
za mene uvek si ti dobro dosla.
for me you're always welcome

Sijaju ko zlato, oci pune suza
They bringing like gold, eyes with tears
Ne bi bila najbolja da nisi tako losa.
You wouldn't be the best if you weren't bad like that
Pridji mi polako, srecna ili tuzna,
Come to me slowly,happy or sad
dobro znas da mi tebe nikad nije dosta.
you know that I'm never tired of you

Beograd jos zivi sa milion zena,
Belgrade is still living,with million womens
meni treba jedna noc je stvorena za dvoje.
I need one night,its made for to
Ceo Beograd nas vidi a k'o da nikog nema,
Whole Belgrade is seeing us but it's like no one's there
kada ove usne moje ljube samo tvoje,
when my lips only kiss yours
druge ne postoje.
others don't exist

Sijaju ko zlato...
They bringing like gold
Pridji mi polako...
Come to me slowly
Dobro znas da mi tebe nikad nije dosta.
you know that I'm never tired of you

Beograd jos zivi sa milion zena
Belgrade is still living,with million womens
meni treba jedna noc je stvorena za dvoje.
I need one night,its made for to
Ceo Beograd nas vidi a ko da nikog nema,
Whole Belgrade can see us,but is like no one's there
kada ove usne moje ljube samo tvoje,
when my lips only kiss yours
druge ne postoje.
others don't exist

Neke stvari ti jednostavno promene zivot, promene sve. A ja gledam da ostanem isti. Na kraju dana, ono sto osecamo je jedino sto stvarno imamo... Nije lako. A znas da sam tu i kad nisam, i da ces me videti makar samo kad' zatvoris oci.
Some things just changes your life, change everything. But I am trying to be the same. At the end of the day that what we feels is the only thing that we really have... It's not easy. But you know that I am with you even when I'm not and at least you will see me when you close your eyes.