Raisa Jatuh Hati english translation

Raisa Jatuh Hati song lyrics
Raisa Jatuh Hati translation
Ada ruang hatiku yang kau temukan
There's a room in my heart that you've found
Sempat aku lupakan kini kau sentuh
I used to forget it but now you touch it
Aku bukan jatuh cinta
I am not falling in love
namun aku jatuh hati
But I am falling for your heart

Ku terpikat pada tuturmu
I am enamored to your words
aku tersihir jiwamu
I am enchanted by your soul
Terkagum pada pandangmu
I admire your thought
caramu melihat dunia
The way you look at the world
Kuharap kau tahu bahwa ku
I hope you know that
terinspirasi hatimu
Am inspired by your heart
Ku tak harus memilikimu
I don't have to belong to you
tapi bolehkah ku selalu di dekatmu
But let me be around you

Ada ruang hatiku kini kau sentuh
There's a room in my heart that you touch
Aku bukan jatuh cinta
I am not falling in love
namun aku jatuh hati
But I am falling for your heart

Ku terpikat pada tuturmu
I am enamored to your words
aku tersihir jiwamu
I am enchanted by your soul
Terkagum pada pandangmu
I admire your thought
caramu melihat dunia
The way you look at the world
Kuharap kau tahu bahwa ku
I hope you know that
terinspirasi hatimu
Am inspired by your heart
Ku tak harus memilikimu
I don't have to belong to you
tapi bolehkah ku selalu di dekatmu
But let me be around you

Katanya cinta
They said love
memang banyak bentuknya
Have various forms
Ku tahu pasti
I know exactly
sungguh aku jatuh hati
Really I fell for your heart

Ku terpikat pada tuturmu
I am enamored to your words
aku tersihir jiwamu
I am enchanted by your soul
Terkagum pada pandangmu
I admire your thought
caramu melihat dunia
The way you look at the world
Kuharap kau tahu bahwa ku
I hope you know that
terinspirasi hatimu
Am inspired by your heart
Ku tak harus memilikimu
I don't have to belong to you
Tapi bolehkah ku selalu di dekatmu
But let me be around you
Tapi bolehkah ku selalu di dekatmu
But let me be around you