Raisa Biarkanlah english translation
Raisa Biarkanlah song lyrics
Raisa Biarkanlah translation
Berat bila terpaksa mengingat
Feels heavy if we're forced to remember
Akhir dari cerita sempurna
End of perfect story
Yang kita coba pertahankan
That we tried to save
Namun berujung jua
But nevertheless ended
Benar atau salah kini tiada berarti
Right or wrong it's now meaningless
So let it be
Sekuat tenaga ku harus melepasnya
With all my might I must let it go
Waktu terus akan berlalu
Time will pass
Tanpa mungkin Ia menunggu
Without him waiting
Seberat apapun hatimu
How heavy your heart is
Akan berujung jua
It will nevertheless end
Benar atau salah kini tiada berarti
Right or wrong it's now meaningless
So let it be
Sekuat tenaga ku harus melepasnya
With all my might I must let it go
Tiada pemenang
There is no winner
Kau dan aku hanya bisa bertahan
You and I can only look back in retrospect
Sekuat tenaga kau harus melepasnya
You have to let it go with all of your might
Kau harus melepasnya
You have to let it go
Relakan semua yang telah berakhir
Let go of everything that has ended
Takkan berubah yang pernah terukir
What's been engraved will never change
Walau air mata mengalir
Even if tears flow
Benar atau salah kini tiada berarti
Right or wrong it's now meaningless
So let it be
Sekuat tenaga ku harus melepasnya
With all my might I must let it go
Tiada pemenang
There is no winner
Kau dan aku hanya bisa bertahan
You and I can only look back in retrospect
Sekuat tenaga kau harus melepasnya
You have to let it go with all of your might
Seberat apapun hatimu
How heavy your heart is
Akan berujung jua
It will nevertheless end