MFÖ Peki Peki Anladık english translation
MFÖ Peki Peki Anladık song lyrics
MFÖ Peki Peki Anladık translation
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Her seyden sen anlarsin
You understand everything
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Her seyi sen bilirsin
You know everything
En güzel grubu sen kurdun
It was you who formed the best group
En güzel ritmi sen buldun
It was you that found the best rhythm
En iyi dalgiç sensin
You're the best diver
En güzel filmi sen çektin
It was you who shot the best film
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
En güzel sen bakarsin
It's you the most beautiful onlooking
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
En güzel sen aglarsin
It is you who have the most beautiful crying
Ilk önce sen baslattin
It was you who started in the first
En önce sen yavaslattin
It was you who first slow down
En uzaga sen gittin
It is you who gone furthest
En çabuk da sen döndün
It was you who came back fastest
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Sen neymissin be abi!
You're so awesome!
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
En güzel sen gülersin
It is you who have the most beautiful laugh
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
En güzel sen söversin
It is you who have the best insults
En güzel yemegi sen yaptin
It was you who prepared the best food
En güzel kizi sen kaptin
It was you who caught the most beautiful girl
En güzel tumbayi sen çaldin
It is you who play the best drum
En güzel sarkiyi sen yazdin
It is you who wrote the most beautiful song
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Sen neymissin be abi!
You're so awesome!
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Her seyden sen anlarsin
You understand everything
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Her seyi sen bilirsin
You know everything
En güzel grubu sen kurdun
It was you who formed the best group
En güzel ritmi sen buldun
It was you that found the best rhythm
En iyi dalgiç sensin
You're the best diver
En güzel filmi sen çektin
It was you who shot the best film
Peki peki anladik
All right, ok, we understand
Sen neymissin be abi!
You're so awesome!
Söz: Mazhar Alanson
Vocals: Mazhar Alanson
Müzik: Mazhar Alanson
Vocals: Mazhar Alanson