Mesut Kurtis Burdah english translation

Mesut Kurtis Burdah song lyrics
Mesut Kurtis Burdah translation
مولاي صلّ وسلم دائما أبدآ
Mawlaya solli wa sallim daiman abadan | O my Master, send your salutations and blessings forever
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi | Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
مولاي صلي وسلم دائما أبدآ
Mawlaya solli wa sallim da-iman abadan | O my Master, send your salutations and blessings forever
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi | Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
محمد سيد الكونين والثقلين
Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath thaqalayn | Muhammad is the master of the two worldsand of Man and the jinn
محمد سيد الكونين والثقلين
Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath thaqalayn | Muhammad is the master of the two worldsand of Man and the jinn
و الفريقين من عرب و من عجم
Wal fariqayni min ‘urbin wa min ‘ajami | Leader also of the Arabs, non-Arabs and their kin

مولاي صلي وسلم دائما أبدآ
Mawlaya solli wa sallim da-iman abadan | O my Master, send your salutations and blessings forever
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi | Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
مولاي صلي وسلم دائما أبدآ
Mawlaya solli wa sallim da-iman abadan | O my Master, send your salutations and blessings forever
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi | Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation

هو الحبيب الذي ترجي شفاعته
Huwal habibul lazi turja shafa'atuhu | Beloved by Allah is he upon whose pleading we depend
هو الحبيب الذي ترجي شفاعته
Huwal habibul lazi turja shafa'atuhu | Beloved by Allah is he upon whose pleading we depend
لكل هول من الأهوال مقتحم
Likulli hawlin minal ahwaali muqtahami | From terrors of the Day of Judgement, which on us descend
مولاي صلي
O my Master, send your blessings
دائماً ابدا
Forever and ever
على حبيبك
Upon your beloved
خير خلق الله
The best of the
whole of creation
مولاي صلي
O my Master, send your blessings
دائماً ابدا
Forever and ever
على حبيبك
Upon your beloved
خير خلق الله
The best of the
whole of creation

ثم الرضا عن أبى بكر و عن عمرٍ
Thummar ridho ‘an Abi Bakriw wa ‘an ‘Umarin | Then we ask You to be pleased with Abu Bakr, ‘Umar,
ثم الرضا عن أبى بكر و عن عمرٍ
Thummar ridho ‘an Abi Bakriw wa ‘an ‘Umarin | Then we ask You to be pleased with Abu Bakr, ‘Umar,
وعن على وعن عثمان ذى الكرم
Wa ‘an ‘Aliyu wa ‘an ‘Uthmana zil karomi | ‘Ali and ‘Uthman the generous one

مولاي صلي وسلم دائما أبدآ
Mawlaya solli wa sallim da-iman abadan | O my Master, send your salutations and blessings forever
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi | Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
يا ربى بالمصطفى بلغ مقاصدنا
Ya rabbi bil Mustafa balligh maqosidana | O my Lord! with the Elect One make us attain our goals
يا ربى بالمصطفى بلغ مقاصدنا
Ya rabbi bil Mustafa balligh maqosidana | O my Lord! with the Elect One make us attain our goals
و اغفر لنا ما مضى يا واسع الكرم
Waghfir lana ma mada ya wasi'al karomi | And forgive us for what has passed,O Most Munificent One!