Melendi Con tanto héroe english translation
Melendi Con tanto héroe song lyrics
Melendi Con tanto héroe translation
El siempre creyó
He always believed
Que un disco duro era un disco de metálica
a hard drive was a Metallica's CD
Que las barillas del paraguas eran mágicas
the sticks of the umbrella were magic
Y los gemidos de las putas de verdad.
and prostitute's moans were true
Nunca se resignó
He did never give up
A que los Reyes Magos fueran concejales
the Three Kings were councilmen
Dibujaba siempre su nombre en los cristales
He always drew his name in the glasses
Que daban al patio de luces de Nunca Jamás.
of the inner courtyard in Neverland
No quiso crecer
He didn't want to grow up
Y el Pan de Peter se endurece día a día
And the bread (Pan) of Peter gets hard each day
Su callejón se olvida un caso a la salida
His alley forgets the exit at home
Y baila con lobos tangos tristes de Gardel.
and dances with wolves the sad tangos of Gardel
Y al amanecer
At dawn
Su primavera fué violada en una esquina
his spring was raped in a corner
Con tanto héroe de corbata y gabardina
with all those heroes in suit and ties
El gato al agua se llevó
To win the day
Como siempre la heroína.
always the heroin
Y el siempre creyó
And he always believed
Que con cerrar los ojos nadie lo veía
closing his eyes no one would see him
Quiso dar la vuelta al mundo en ochenta días
He wanted to travel the world in eighty days
Y no salió de un parque de Moratalá.
and he didn't get out of Moratalá's park
Le gustaba pensar
He liked to thinking
Que contruiría mil castillos en el aire
he would build a thousand castles in the air
Por si el infierno ya no fuera edificable
just in case the hellhole wasn't building land
Cuando un mal pico lo juntara con Satán.
when a bad situation take him with Satan
No quiso crecer
He didn't want to grow up
Y el Pan de Peter se endurece día a día
And the bread (Pan) of Peter gets hard each day
Su callejón se olvida un caso a la salida
His alley forgets the exit at home
Y baila con lobos tangos tristes de Gardel.
and dances with wolves the sad tangos of Gardel
Y al amanecer
At dawn
Su primavera fué violada en una esquina
his spring was raped in a corner
Con tanto héroe de corbata y gabardina
with all those heroes in suit and ties
El gato al agua se llevó
To win the day
Como siempre la heroína.
always the heroin