Marisa Monte Panis Et Circenses english translation

Marisa Monte Panis Et Circenses song lyrics
Marisa Monte Panis Et Circenses translation
Eu quis cantar
I wanted to sing
Minha canção iluminada de sol
My sun lightened song
Soltei os panos sobre os mastros no ar
I threw the cloths over the masts in the air
Soltei os tigres e os leões nos quintais
I let the tigers and lions in the backyards
Mas as pessoas da sala de jantar
But the people in the dining room
São ocupadas em nascer e morrer
Are busy in being born and dying

Mandei fazer
I ordered to do
De puro aço luminoso punhal
From pure bright steel a dagger
Para matar o meu amor e matei
To kill my love and I killed
Às cinco horas na Avenida Central
At five o'clock on Central Avenue
Mas as pessoas da sala de jantar
But the people in the dining room
São ocupadas em nascer e morrer
Are busy in being born and dying

Mandei plantar
I ordered to plant
Folhas de sonho no jardim do solar
Dream leaves in the solar garden
As folhas sabem procurar pelo sol
The leaves know how to seek for the sun
E as raízes, procurar, procurar
And the roots, seek for, seek for
Mas as pessoas da sala de jantar
But the people in the dining room
Essas pessoas da sala de jantar
These people in the dining room
São as pessoas da sala de jantar
It's the people in the dining room
Mas as pessoas da sala de jantar
But the people in the dining room
São ocupadas em nascer e morrer
Are busy in being born and dying