Mahmoud El Esseily Mabsout Fe Makanak english translation
Mahmoud El Esseily Mabsout Fe Makanak song lyrics
Mahmoud El Esseily Mabsout Fe Makanak translation
عرفتك وانا لسه صغير
I knew you when I was young
ومكنش فى بالى ان العمر قصير
and I don't know that the age is short
دا انت عارفنى اكتر ما اهلى عارفنى
you know about me than my family know
ومهما اتجنن كنت انت اللى فاهمنى
whatever I be crazy only you understand me
وغريبه الدنيا وهى من غيرك
and the life is strange without you
بس انا عارف ان هو دا الخير
but I know that this is the good
وجديدة يا صاحبى الدنيا من غيرك
and the life is new without you
انا عارف انك فى مكان احلى بكتير
I know that you are in a better place
بس انا هلف العالم كله عشانك
but I will go all over the world for you
وهجرب كل حاجة حلوة بدالك
and I will try every good thing instead of you
وهصلى وفى كل ثانية هدعيلك
and i will pray for you every second
ان ربنا يخليك مبسوط فى مكانك
that God will make you happy where you are
وبذكرياتك وبنورك في قلبي
by your memories and your light in my heart
هتحضر فرحي وترقص جنبي
you will attend my wedding and dance with me
وابني هيكون اسمه على اسمك
and i will name my son as your name
هيعرف صورتك ويحفظ قصصك
he will know your photo and know you stories
ياما سهرنا وياما فرحنا
usually we stay up and be happy
وواسينا بعض لما اتجرحنا
and we comfot each other when we were hurtes
بيرن في ودني حكك وصوتك
you sound is in my ears
مش قادر حتى امسح تليفونك
I can't also delete you number
وياما هربنا وبعربيتك سافرنا
and usually we escaped and by your car we travelled
وياما في كلام الكوره اتخانقنا
also in football we fight
دلوقتي انا مجروح بخسارتك
and now I am hurted to lose you
ملحقتش اقولك اني قدرتك
i couldn't tell you that I foredoomed you
بس انا الف العالم كله علشانك
but I will go all over the world for you
واجرب كل حاجه حلوه بدالك
and I will try every good thing instead of you
واصليلك وفي كل ثانية ادعيلك
and pray for you in every second
ان ربنا يخليك مبسوط في مكانك
to be happy in your place with god
وبذكرياتك وبنورك في قلبي
by your memories and your light in my heart
هتحضر فرحي وترقص جنبي
you will attend my wedding and dance with me
وابني هيكون اسمه على اسمك
and i will name my son as your name
هيعرف صورتك ويحفظ قصصك
he will know your photo and know you stories
مبسوط في مكانك.
happy in your place
مبسوط في مكانك.
happy in your place