Luis Miguel Bravo amor bravo english translation
Luis Miguel Bravo amor bravo song lyrics
Luis Miguel Bravo amor bravo translation
Aplaudamos, porque hicimos sin dudarlo
We applaud, because we did it without hesitation
En esta farsa que acabamos en buen papel
In this farce we end up in good role
Tan perfecto, que si hubieramos rodado
So perfect, that if we had rolled
Los mil Oscars de este año
The thousand Oscars this year
Seria nuestro sin querer
It would be ours without wanting
Aplaudamos, porque amando sin amarnos
We clap because we love without loving each other
Jamas notamos nada extraño, ni tú ni yo
We never noticed anything strange, neither you nor I
Sin ensayos la secuencia era perfecta
Without trial the sequence was perfect
Tu pensando en otra vida, yo pensando en otro amor
Your thinking about another life, I thinking of another love
El guíon era estupendo
The guide was great
Dos muchachos se enamoran
Two boys fall in love
Y en la cresta de la obra
And on the crest of the work
El descubre otra persona
He discovers another person
Y ella a otro que no es el
And she to another who is not the
Pero deben confesarlo
But you must confess
No se quieren hacer daño
They do not want to hurt
Y fingiendo y ocultando
And pretending and hiding
Llega el dia, en que sus bocas
The day comes when their mouths
No se llegan a entender
They do not get to understand
Ya eran besos maquillados
They were already makeup kisses
Desvarios los abrazos
Cuddles the hugs
En el fin aquella historia
At the end that story
Se acaba la parodia
The parody is over
Que era absurdo sostener
That it was absurd to hold
Bravo amor, bravo amor, bravo
Brave love, brave love, brave
Que magníficos actores, tu y yo
What great actors, you and me
Bravo amor, bravo amor, bravo
Brave love, brave love, brave
Nos reimos, no burlamos, de nuestro amor
We laugh, we do not mock, our love
Aplaudamos porque amando sin amarnos
We clap because we love without loving each other
Jamá¡s notamos nada extraño ni tu ni yo
We never noticed anything strange, neither you nor I
Sin ensayos la secuencia era perfecta
Without trial the sequence was perfect
Tu pensando en otra vida
You thinking about another life
Yo pensando en otro amor
I thinking of another love
El guillon era estupendo
The Guillon was great
Dos muchachos se enamoran
Two boys fall in love
Y en la cresta de la obra
And on the crest of the work
El descubre a otra persona
He discovers another person
Y ella a otro que no es el
And she to another who is not the
Pero deben confesarlo
But you must confess
No se quieren hacer daño
They do not want to hurt
Y fingiendo y ocultando
And pretending and hiding
Llega el día en que sus bocas
The day comes when their mouths
No se llegan a entender
They do not get to understand
Ya eran besos maquillados
They were already makeup kisses
Desvaríos los abrazos
Runs the hugs
Pero al fin de aquella historia
But at the end of that story
Se acababa la parodia
The parody was over
Que era absurdo sostener
That it was absurd to hold
Bravo amor, bravo amor
Brave love, brave love
Bravo que magníficos actores
Bravo that magnificent actors
Tú y yo
You and I
Bravo amor, bravo amor, bravo
Brave love, brave love, brave
Nos reímos, nos burlamos de nuestro amor
We laugh, we make fun of our love