Luis Miguel La Bikina english translation

Feat Rafa Sardina and Derek Carlson
Luis Miguel La Bikina song lyrics
Luis Miguel La Bikina translation
Solitaria, camina la bikina
Lonely, the bikina is walking
y la gente se pone a murmurar
The people start whispering
dicen que tiene una pena,
The say she is in pain
dicen que tiene una pena, que la hace llorar
They say her pain makes her cry
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
Haughty, beautiful and proud
no permite la quieran consolar
Doesn't let to console her
pasa luciendo su real majestad
Passes shining her real majesty
pasa, camina y nos mira sin vernos jamás
Goes by walking and look at us without seeing us ever
La bikina, tiene pena y dolor
The bikina has shame and pain
la bikina, no conoce el amor
The bikina doesn't know the love

Altarnera, preciosa y orgulla
Haughty, beautiful and proud
no permite la quieran consolar
Doesn't let to console her
dicen que alguien ya vino y se fué
They say someone came and now he is gone
dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
They say she cries at night for him
La bikina, tiene pena y dolor
The bikina has shame and pain
la bikina, no conoce el amor
The bikina doesn't know the love
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
Haughty, beautiful and proud
no permite la quieran consolar
Doesn't let to console her
dicen que alguien ya vino y se fué
They say someone came and now he is gone
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
They say she cries at night for him
dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
They say she cries at night for him
dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
They say she cries at night for him