Lora Arde english translation
Lora Arde song lyrics
Lora Arde translation
Taci, taci
shut up, shut up
Atunci cand vorbesti
when you are talking
Nu stii ce imi faci, faci
you don't know what you are doing to me
Nu stii ce pornesti in mintea mea
you don't know what you are starting in my mind
Nu stiu ce sa fac
I don't know what to do
Nu pot scapa
I can't escape
Si as vrea sa fug departe
and I want to run away
Sa privesc in alta parte
to look in the other side
Si totusi
and still
Inima cand bate, sa te strig
my heart is beating, to call you
Focul vreau sa-l sting
I want to stop the fire
Arde, prea multe pacate
it's burning, too many mistakes
Nu pot sa ma mint,
I can't lie to myself
Ca nu simt nimic
that I don't feel anything
it's burning
Inima cand bate, sa te strig
my heart is beating, to call you
Focul vreau sa-l sting
I want to stop the fire
Arde, prea multe pacate
it's burning, too many mistakes
Nu pot sa ma mint
I can't lie to myself
Ca nu simt nimic
that I don't feel anything
Cum, cum reusesc sa uit
how, how am I suppose to forget
Ce simt acum, acum
what I feel now, now
Incerc sa-mi controlez inima
I try to stop my heart ♥
Sa simta cum vreau eu, nu cum vrea ea
to feel the way that I want, not the way it wants
Si-mi spun ca mi se pare
to tell myself that it's not true
Ca o sa-mi treaca, dar nu moare
that this feeling will go away, but it's not dying
Si incerc sa fug departe
and i try to run far away
Sa privesc in alta parte
to look in the other side
Dar privirile tale
but your eyes
Sunt prea aproape, mortale
are too close
Te caut in altii
I search you in everyone else
Si pe retele sociale
and on social media
Nu-mi pasa de motive
I don't care about excuses
Si nici de rivale
and about rivals
Ce simt pentru tine
what I feel for you
Arde tot mai tareee!
it's burning!!!
it's burning
Inima cand bate, sa te strig
my heart is beating, to call you
Focul vreau sa-l sting
I want to stop the fire
Arde, prea multe pacate
it's burning, too many mistakes
Nu pot sa ma mint
I can't lie to myself
Ca nu simt nimic
that I don't feel anything
it's burning
Inima cand bate, sa te strig
my heart is beating, to call you
Focul vreau sa-l sting
I want to stop the fire
Arde, prea multe pacate
it's burning, too many mistakes
Nu pot sa ma mint
I can't lie to myself
Ca nu simt nimic
that I don't feel anything