La Gusana Ciega No Me Tientes english translation

La Gusana Ciega No Me Tientes song lyrics
La Gusana Ciega No Me Tientes translation
Si encontraras que esta vida
If you would find that this life
no te sirve más a ti,
It does not serve you anymore
si buscaras una forma de salir.
If you were looking for a way out

No te olvides que mi corazón
Do not forget that my heart
está dentro de ti,
It's inside you
si te pierdes yo te busco
If you get lost I'll find you
si tú saltas yo también
if you jump too

No me tientes, no me tientes
Do not tempt me, do not tempt me
no me invites a morir
Do not invite me to die
junto a ti...
next to you

Si tuvieras que morir
If you had to die
no podrías dejarme aquí
You could not leave me here
como sombra de tu alma
As a shadow of your soul
como espejo de tu piel
As mirror of your skin

No me tientes, no me tientes
Do not tempt me, do not tempt me
no me invites a morir junto a ti
Do not invite me to die next to you

Si encontraras que esta vida
If you would find that this life
no te sirve más a ti
It does not serve you anymore
si buscaras una forma de salir.
If you were looking for a way out

No te olvides que mi corazn
Do not forget that my heart
esta dentro de ti,
It's inside you
si te pierdes yo te busco
If you get lost I'll find you
si tú saltas yo tambien
If you jump me too

No me tientes, no me tientes
Do not tempt me, do not tempt me
no me invites a morir.
Do not invite me to die

No me tientes, no me tientes
Do not tempt me, do not tempt me
no me invites a morir
Do not invite me to die
junto a ti...
next to you