Jennifer Peña A fuego lento english translation

Jennifer Peña A fuego lento song lyrics
Jennifer Peña A fuego lento translation
tanto tiempo en soledad sin encontrarte
so much time in soletude without finding you
tantas noches de ansiedad sin conocerte
many nights of anxiety without knowing you
sin poderme enamorar por no tenerte
without falling in love for not having you
y yo esperando por llegar a verte
and I'm waiting for the chance to see you
derepente llegas tu tan suavemente
suddenly you arrive so slowly
y de un sueno me despierto placidamente
and from a dream I wake up so placidly
algo me va suceder yo me siento enloquecer
something going to happen I feel crazy
eras tu al quien sone sin detenerme
it was you I dreamed about without stopping

a fuego lento tu amor me va creciendo
slow fire your love grows right inside of me
poco a poco voy caillendo en ti
little by little I'm falling for you
te voy queriendo, lento
I'm loving you, slowly
a fuego lento tu me vas convenciendo
slow fire you are convincing me
yo soy para ti, tu eres para mi
I was made for you you were made for me
solo para mi
just for me

te buscaba al caminar sin detenerme
I was walking looking for you without stopping
te llamaba sin haya mi gran ausente
I called you without my great absent
y el deseo de tenerte simepre en mi mente
and the desire to always have you in my mind
mi corazon lloraba por no verte
my heart cried for not seeing you
derepente llegas tu tan suavemente
suddenly you arrive so slowly
y de un sueño me despierto placidamente
and from a dream I wake up so placidly
algo me va suceder yo me siento enloquecer
something going to happen I feel crazy
eras tu alquien sone sin detenerme
it was you I dreamed about without stopping

a fuego lento tu amor me va creciendo
slow fire your love grows right inside of me
poco a poco voy caillendo en ti
little by little I'm falling for you
te voy queriendo, lento
I'm loving you, slowly
a fuego lento tu me vas convenciendo
slow fire you are convincing me
yo soy para ti, tu eres para mi
I was made for you you were made for me
solo para mi
just for me