In Team Selawat Junjungan english translation
In Team Selawat Junjungan song lyrics
In Team Selawat Junjungan translation
Ya Nabi salamun'alaik
O Prophet, peace be upon you
Ya Rasul salammun'alik
O Messenger, peace be upon you
Ya Habib salammun'alik
O Beloved, peace be upon you
And Allah sends peace to you too
Di mulakan dengan selawat
Starting with supplications
Ke atas Nabi syafi'ul ummat
Upon the Prophet, Shafi' Al Ummah
Moga diberkati hidupku
Hoping for my life get blessed
Selamat di dunia dan akhirat
In the world and hereafter
Pergimu tiada penganti
Your flight has been missing
Hilanglah seri buana ini
Till the world gets faded away
Kaulah penyeri kaulah purnama
The shine and the moon are you
Yang menerangi hidup manusia
Enlightening the people's lives
Lahirmu dijanjikan Allah
Your birth was a promise
Membawa rahmat sekelian alam
As the blessing to the mankind
Membina ummat yang bertamadun
Building a civilised ummah
Kaulah Nabi kekasih Allah
You are the Prophet, Allah's choice
Walau ujian melanda
Despite of the trials
Kau sabar menghadapinya
You kept your patience
Kau contoh sebaik ummat
As an examplary figure for ummah
Tauladan sepanjang zaman
A role model, beyond the time
Walau kau tiada lagi
Though you've left us
Kau tetap disanubari
Your presence is still in our hearts
Jasamu terlalu agung
As for your tremendous deeds
Namamu tetap di hati
Still your name is in our hearts