Hello Seahorse! La flotadera english translation

Hello Seahorse! La flotadera song lyrics
Hello Seahorse! La flotadera translation
le dije
Told him
ando en la ceguera
I'm going through the blindness
ligeramente desprendida
slightly detached
de mi cuerpo
from my body
y de mi esencia
and from my essence
flotando entre materias de carne y hueso
floating among flesh and bone matter
le dije ando perezosa
Told him I'm going lazyly
desganada como
Unwilling like
gallina enferma
sick chicken
yo ya no siento
I don't feel
ni las manos muertas
not even my dead hands
el me respondió
He replied
esa es la flotadera
that's the floating thing
y solamente sonrió
and just smiled me
pelo los dientes y me sonrió
showed those teeth and smiled me
y solamente sonrio
and just smiled me
pelo los dientes y me sonrió
showed those teeth and smiled me

le dije ando olvidadiza
Told him I'm going forgetty
yo ya no se ni para que vivir
I don't even know what to live for
yo ya no entiendo
I don't undestand
nada de nada
nothing at all
ya no te entiendo
don't understand
ni a ti
neither you
y solamente sonrió
and just smiled me
pelo los dientes y me sonrió
showed those teeth and smiled me
y solamente sonrió
and just smiled me
pelo los dientes y me sonrió
showed those teeth and smiled me

y solamente sonrió
and just smiled me
pelo los dientes y me sonrió
showed those teeth and smiled me
y solamente sonrió
and just smiled me
pelo los dientes y me sonrió
showed those teeth and smiled me