GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE Rainy Room english translation

GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE Rainy Room song lyrics
GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE Rainy Room translation
君が泣いてる 泣きじゃくってる 何を言えばいい?
You are crying. I end up crying. What should I say?
情けないけど 言葉が ひとつも見つからないんだ
It's pathetic but I can't find a single word
逃げる場所を探してばかりいた恋は ホントの居場所なくしたね
A love that has been looking for a place to escape ended up loosing the real place
In this room, rain endlessly fall

もうどんなふうに君だけを 抱きしめたって ふたり濡れるだけ
Embracing you, and because of that, both of us are now wet
愛し方 そんなこと 知らずにいたから愛され方さえも 知らなかったんだ
I did not even know how to love because I did not know such a thing

同じ夢を 一緒に見て 全然違う未来を
Looking at the same dream together and totally different future
追いかけてた 僕らは 傷つけ合うしかなかった
In chasing, we had no other choice but be hurt
The day we met, treasured by even calling it "Happiness"
今では 笑顔がびしょ濡れになってる
Now my smile is ending up getting wet

くるおしく何度も重ねてた クチビルから 悲しみが漏れる
It's maddening how many times we are going through this Sadness is slipping from your lips
ねえ君が この僕に 求めてたものは一体何だったのか 教えて欲しい
Hey, that thing that you've asked of me, I want you to tell me

雨が止む前に 君はきっとこの部屋を 出ていくんだろう 新しい 傘を広げながら…Rainy Room
Before the rain stops you surely will leave this room spreading out a new umbrella ... Rainy Room
もうどんなふうに君だけを 抱きしめたってふたり濡れるだけ
Embracing you, and because of that, both of us are now wet
愛し方 そんなこと 知らずにいたから愛され方さえも 知らなかったんだ
I did not even know how to love because I did not know such a thing
雨が降る Rainy Room…
Rain is falling Rainy Room