Eir Aoi Back To Zero english translation
Eir Aoi Back To Zero song lyrics
Eir Aoi Back To Zero translation
From the dashing light that cuts through the night sky
Fell through a marionette of fate
With the map of tomorrow I drew so long ago
Guided by you, my fingers reach it
解れないように 逆らえないようにきつく結ばれた糸
So that I won't get loose, so that I can't go against you, I am tightly tied by strings
永い夜を越えたらきっと 悲しみのない晴れた日の朝
If I overcome the long ago, I'm sure that there will come a sunny morning without sadness
Even if I can't smile right now, the sound of rain will wash away my wounds
I'm like a doll
Hey, I'm tied to you so I can't get loose
こんな汚された居場所 歪んだ正しさ
This defined place I'm in, this warped sense of justice
止まない空の呼吸 呑み込まれそう
The deep breaths of sky all seem like they're going to draw me in
The slice reaches to the heavens and shines through the darkness
And clashes with the many shards of the stars
Although I continue to go against you, pained mix with sins are the only things increasing
いつか夜が終わりますように たとえ今は笑えなくても
I pray that the night will someday end. Even if I can't smile right now
深い闇を抜けたらきっと辿り着ける 何もかもが過ぎ去った未来
Once I get out of the deep darkness, I will surely arrive in the future where all those things have gone away
I'm like a doll
I'm just connected to you, breathing
The shine that cannot fly anywhere
Is the broken-off piece the stars give off as a message
鎖のように解けない糸 切れて原点(ゼロ)に戻れますように
I pray that the strings that won't come off like chains will be cut and everything will return to zero
永い夜を越えたらきっと 悲しみのない晴れた日の朝
If I overcome the long ago, I'm sure that there will come a sunny morning without sadness
Even if I can't smile right now, the sound of the rain will wash away my wounds
I'm like a doll
Hey, I'm tied to you so I can't get loose