Egoist Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress english translation
Egoist Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress song lyrics
Egoist Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress translation
Do you remember?
あの日の蒸気に 多くを失って
That you lost so much in the steam on that day
The scars of countless mistakes
When I couldn't see the road ahead
おまえは言った 憎む血燃ゆる
You said, "Ask your own pulsing, burning blood"
その血に問え 答えろう鼓動!
So answer me, my heartbeats!
甲鉄のカバネリよ さぁ、立ち上がれ!
Oh, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, c'mon, stand up!
抗え! 全て地に叩きつけ、今!
And knock everything to the ground
その心は誓った 友のために
Now, your heart has been pledged to your friends
燃やせよ、その命 変えてゆけ、世界を
So set your life on fire and change the world