Don Omar Sexy Robotica english translation

Don Omar Sexy Robotica song lyrics
Don Omar Sexy Robotica translation
Controlando la galaxia
Controlling the galaxy
(La super nova)
(The supernova)
Que bien se ve esa cinturita
How well that belt looks
Que por la discoteca baila
That for the disco dances
(Baila, baila)
(Dance Dance)
Revuelta con sus amiguitas
Revolt with her friends
(Sus amiguitas)
(His friends)
Yo que me muero por tocarla
I'm dying to touch her
Look at her
Es una diosa que camina
She is a walking goddess
(Solo que ella lo tiene)
(Only she has it)
Seria pecado no adorarla
It would be sin not to worship her
(All your needs)
(All your needs)
Lleva en su lengua medicina
Carry medicine on your tongue
Que suministra al besarla
What you supply when you kiss her
Usa un perfume que hipnotiza
Use a perfume that hypnotizes
Y un polvo magico que hechiza
And a magic dust that enchants
(Finisimo de Colombia pues)
(Finisimo de Colombia)
Fuma cigarro que da risa
He smokes a cigarette that laughs
(Extreme for Washington remix)
(Extreme for Washington remix)
Y la pastilla de la risa
And the pill of laughter
Look at her
Que bien se ve esa cinturita
How well that belt looks
(Nena que bien se ve esa cinturita)
(Baby you look like that waist)
Que por la discoteca baila
That for the disco dances
Revuelta con sus amiguitas
Revolt with her friends
Yo que me muero por tocarla
I'm dying to touch her
Look at her
Que bien se ve esa cinturita
How well that belt looks
(Nena que bien se ve esa cinturita)
(Baby you look like that waist)
Que por la discoteca baila
That for the disco dances
(Baila, baila)
(Dance Dance)
Revuelta con sus amiguitas
Revolt with her friends
(Amiguitas guitas)
(Amiguitas guitas)
Yo que me muero por tocarla
I'm dying to touch her
(Carla, Carla)
(Carla, Carla)
Look at her
Es una maquina de sexo
It's a sex machine
(Que lo hace como loca)
(That does it like crazy)
Que borracha regala besos
Rubber gives kisses
(Inundada en vodka)
(Flooded in vodka)
Baby, yo quiero uno de esos
Baby, I want one of those
(Con sabor a chocolate)
(Chocolate flavored)
Que deja loco en el proceso
That leaves you crazy in the process
(Sin importar que la arrebaten)
(No matter what)
Look at her
Como se juega con el pelo
How do you play with your hair?
(A lo miss clairol)
(A lo miss clairol)
Invitandote a tocarla
Invited to touch her
(Do you really one some?)
(Do you really one some?)
Checkea como coge vuelo
Check how you catch flight
Y va subiendose la falda
And the skirt is going up
Usa un perfume que hipnotiza
Use a perfume that hypnotizes
Y un polvo magico que hechiza
And a magic dust that enchants
(Finisimo de Colombia pues)
(Finisimo de Colombia)
Fuma un gran cigarro que da risa
He smokes a big cigar that laughs
(Extreme for Washington remix)
(Extreme for Washington remix)
Y la pastilla de la risa
And the pill of laughter
Look at her
Que bien se ve esa cinturita
How well that belt looks
(Nena que bien se ve esa cinturita)
(Baby you look like that waist)
Que por la discoteca baila
That for the disco dances
(Baila, baila)
(Dance Dance)
Revuelta con sus amiguitas
Revolt with her friends
(Sus amiguitas guitas)
(Sus amiguitas guitas)
Yo que me muero por tocarla
I'm dying to touch her
(Carla, Carla)
(Carla, Carla)
Look at her
Sexy robotica, hey, hey, hey
Sexyrobotic, hey, hey, hey
Sexy robotica, hey
Sexyrobotic, hey
Sexy robotica