Dewi Lestari Selamat Ulang Tahun english translation

Dewi Lestari Selamat Ulang Tahun song lyrics
Dewi Lestari Selamat Ulang Tahun translation
Ribuan detik kuhabisi
thousand seconds I spent off

Jalanan lengang kutentang
walk the empty street
Oh, gelapnya, tiada yang buka
Oh, how dark it was, nothing was open
Adakah dunia mengerti?
did the universe understand?
Miliaran panah jarak kita
Billion arrows our distant is

Tak jua tumbuh sayapku
and my wings still doesnt come up
Satu-satunya cara yang ada
the only way is there is
Gelombang tuk ku bicara
a wave for me to talk
Tahanlah, wahai Waktu
hold on, Time

Ada "Selamat ulang tahun"
there's "Happy Birthday"
Yang harus tiba tepat waktunya
that have to arrive on time
Untuk dia yang terjaga menantiku
for him that still waiting for me
Tengah malamnya lewat sudah
the midnight was passed away

Tiada kejutan tersisa
there's nothing rest of surprise
Aku terlunta, tanpa sarana
I'm laying, without any facility
Saluran tuk ku bicara
connection for me to talk
Jangan berjalan, Waktu
don't goes on, Time

Ada "Selamat ulang tahun"
there's "Happy Birthday"
Yang harus tiba tepat waktunya
that have to arrive on time
Semoga dia masih ada menantiku
hope that he still there waiting for me
Mundurlah, wahai Waktu
count down, Time

Ada "Selamat ulang tahun"
there's "Happy Birthday"
Yang tertahan tuk kuucapkan
that stuck to come out of my mouth
Yang harusnya tiba tepat waktunya
that should be arrived on time
Dan rasa cinta yang s'lalu membara
and love feeling that always on fire
Untuk dia yang terjaga
for him that still
waiting for me