Daniela Calvario Tus Besos english translation
Daniela Calvario Tus Besos song lyrics
Daniela Calvario Tus Besos translation
No imagino mi vida sin ti
I can't imagine my life without you
Sin tus besos en mi piel
without your kisses in my skin
Si ya no te vuelvo a ver más
If I don't see you anymore
Es que te has adueñado de mi
it because you have
Eres mi motivación
you are my motivation
De mis dias la razón
of my days the right
Tus ojos son la luz que me iluminan
your eyes are the light that illuminate me
Tus besos son la mejor medicina
your kisses are the best medicine
Que repara y que me cura mis heridas
that fix and cure my wounds
Y mi suerte es tan grande que te puso en mi camino
and my luck is so great that it even put you in my path
No me canso de dar gracias por tenerte aqui conmigo
I don't get tired of giving thanks for having you with me
Ya no estare más sola pues te tengo aqui a mi lado
I won't be alone because I have you by my side
Que se caiga el mundo entero no me importa porque te amo
let the whole world fall apart I don't care because I love you
Porque llenas de luz, de paz y amor
because you fill the light, the peace and love
Llenas mis dias de alegría
you fill my days of happiness
Porque calmas mi sed de amar
because you calm my thurst of loving
Tus besos son el pan de cada día
your kisses are the bread of each day
Y este amor es tan grande que no me cabe en el pecho
and this love is so big that it doesn't fit in my chest
Por si no lo sabias
in case you didn't know
Y mi suerte es tan grande que te puso en mi camino
and my luck is so great that it even put you in my path
No me canso de dar gracias por tenerte aqui conmigo
I don't get tired of giving thanks for having you with me
Ya no estare más sola pues te tengo aqui a mi lado
I won't be alone because I have you by my side
Que se caiga el mundo entero no me importa porque te amo
let the whole world fall apart I don't care because I love you
Es que llenas de luz, de paz y amor
you fill the light, the peace and love
Llenas mis dias de alegria
you fill my days of happiness
Porque calmas mi sed de amar
because you calm my thurst of loving
Tus besos son el pan de cada día
your kisses are the bread of each day
Y este amor es tan grande que no me cabe en el pecho
and this love is so big that it doesn't fit in my chest
Por si no lo sabias
in case you didn't know
Por si no lo sabias
in case you didn't know