Cabas Tu boca english translation

Cabas Tu boca song lyrics
Cabas Tu boca translation
Sabes que hace tanto me la paso vagabundeando
You know I've been wandering around so much
Sin saber que estoy probando y delirando con tu boca
Without knowing that I'm trying and delirious with your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth

Y cuando al fin te veo siento como tu cuerpo
And when I finally see you I feel like your body
Sigue tan mojado y mis labios están tan secos
It's still so wet and my lips are so dry
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth

Porque tu beso es solo eso
Because your kiss is just that
Que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
That takes away this weight from not feeling that
Que me da tu boca
What gives me your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth

Y cuando al fin te tengo procuro moverme lento
And when I finally have you I try to move slow
Porque el no tocarte no sería más que un tormento
Because not touching you would not be more than a torment
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth

Y tienes el descaro de dejarme aquí sentado
And you have the nerve to leave me sitting here
Y tan acalorado, y tan acalorado
And so heated, and so heated
Porque tu beso es solo eso
Because your kiss is just that
Que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
That takes away this weight from not feeling that
Que me da tu boca
What gives me your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth

Porque tu beso es solo eso
Because your kiss is just that
Que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
That takes away this weight from not feeling that
Que me da tu boca
What gives me your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth

Porque tu beso es solo eso
Because your kiss is just that
Que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
That takes away this weight from not feeling that
Que me da tu boca
What gives me your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Tu boca
Your mouth
Porque tu beso es solo eso
Because your kiss is just that
Que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
That takes away this weight from not feeling that
Que me da tu boca
What gives me your mouth

No te hagas la loca
Do not do the crazy
Préstame tu boca
Lend me your mouth
No te hagas la loca
Do not do the crazy
Préstame tu boca
Lend me your mouth
No te hagas la loca
Do not do the crazy
Préstame tu boca
Lend me your mouth
No te hagas la loca
Do not do the crazy
Préstame tu boca
Lend me your mouth

Tu loca boca...
Your crazy mouth ...
No te hagas la loca
Do not do the crazy
Préstame tu boca...
Lend me your mouth