B'z ザ・マイスター english translation
B'z ザ・マイスター song lyrics
B'z ザ・マイスター translation
鼻息荒く 始めたAction
Excitingly rough, the first action
気がつけば またやめて
If you mentioned, I've stopped again
ムキかフムキか いつものQuestion
Is it suitable or not?—that's the usual question
考えすぎて 泥の沼
When I think it over too much it becomes a mug bog
がんばりますとか 努力とか
"To do your best" or "to put a great effort"
These words don't exist now
懸命に生きる 本能 そんなのあたりまえ
The instinctive eagerness to live is that obvious
アップアップアップしても もうちょいねばれ
If you're going up, up and up, hold out a little bit more
始めたなら 本気だせ
Make serious efforts as if it's for the first time
ヒィヒィヒィ言いながら くり返せ
While saying "hihihi", repeat:
"Yeah, I'm the master"—while you believe in it
己の完成形 見えてこない
You'll never come to see your own perfection
It's like to try to get lost
誰か指さし クレームつけるかい?
Should I point this claim to somebody?
そんなヒマなど 今時ないでしょう
I don't have a time for this right now
鉄を打つなら 打ち続けろ
If you continue to hit the iron
汗にまみれ 垢にまみれて
Covered with sweat and dirt
たやすく涙を見せるのは もうナシ
You won't easily show your tears anymore
アップアップアップしても もうちょいねばれ
If you're going up, up and up, hold out a little bit more
Until the day you become skillful
While saying "hihihi" and laughing:
"Yeah, I'm the master", while you can vow it
アップアップアップしても もうちょいねばれ
If you're going up, up and up, hold out a little bit more
You have the needed skills
ヒィヒィヒィ言いながら 歓べ
Enjoy yourself while saying "hihihi"
いつの日か マイ...
Someday's mas...
Being made to compare yourself with somebody
You end up learning from someone
Your skills will definitely save the world
"Yeah, I'm the master"—while you believe in it