Bondan Prakoso Gusti Dewata Mulia english translation
Feat Fade 2 BlackBondan Prakoso Gusti Dewata Mulia song lyrics
Bondan Prakoso Gusti Dewata Mulia translation
Yoo ini tentang kau dan sejuta persepsi
Yoo it is about you and millions of perspective
Ini tentang kau dan ratusan opini yoo yo
It is about you and hundreds of arguments yoo yo
Ini tentang kau dan sejuta persepsi
It is about you and millions of perspective
Ketukan palu yang kau ambil untuk satu posisi
The sentence you took for a standing
Dimana kau hakimi diriku dengan nafsu
You beat me with a law and lust
Yang kau tak pernah tau siapa sebenarnya diriku ini
though you never know who i am
Ada alasan untuk setiap langkah
Always a reason for every step
Tak perlu banyak tanya lihat saja sejarah
Stop asking me just see the history
Hidup berawal dari mimpi mimpi
Life comes from a dream, dream
Mimpi yang terekam ruang dimensi
A dream which recorded by time and space
Ini aku, Sang Pencipta yang tau
This is me, the know-everything
Aku yang ga sempurna kadang temukan jalan buntu
My imperfections aside, sometimes i even found a dead end
Lalu apa hak mu menghakimi
So what excuses you to sentence me
Biarlah semua ini menjadi misteri Illahi
Let these all came to be god's mystery
Tiada daya kita tuk cipta kuasa antara benar atau salah
We are powerless to bear truth and lies
Tiada mampu kita tuk dapat memilah siapa menang, siapa kalah
We are lawless to distinguish whose winning or losing
Terburuk, terbaik, terbusuk dan terindah
Worst, Best, Rotten, and Goreous
Semudah itu lidah berkelit, menyusun kata
How easy that tounge speak, arranging words
Opini tentang yang terhebat dan rumor numpang lewat. Argumen, teman versus Setan
Opinions about the best and rumors that passing by. Argunents, allies versus satans
Sepanjang nusantara dan penjuru dunia
Across the country and the edge of the worlds
Terbentang rupa manusia dan cara mereka
Shown humans and their methods
Seandainya bisa ku samakan bentuk rupamu
I wish i can transform to your appearance
Semudah manipulasi history orde baru.
As easy as manipulating the new order history [) a kind of indonesian old regime]
Tiada daya kita tuk cipta kuasa antara benar atau salah
We are powerless to bear truth and lies
Tiada mampu kita tuk dapat memilah siapa menang, siapa kalah
We are lawless to distinguish whose winning or losing
Tiada daya kita tuk cipta kuasa antara benar atau salah
We are powerless to bear truth and lies
Tiada mampu kita tuk dapat memilah siapa menang, siapa kalah
We are lawless to distinguish whose winning or losing
Ough yoo I stand in a strong platform
ough yoo i stand in a strong platforn
I get da grip tight with ma microphone
i get the grip tight with my microphone
I got ma uniform, ya got yer uniform
i got my uniform, you got your uniform
Give sum love and respect before its all gone
Give skme love and respect beforr it's all gone
Ya got to know yo ya got to know bro
Yoi got to know yo you got to know bro
Setiap impact antara fakta dengan ego
Every impacts when facts and ego clash
E'yo silahkan berkaca siapa dirimu
Hey yo take a look to yourself
Lalu, apakah kau berjubah dan pegang palu
So, are you using cape and lawhammer on your hand
Only God knows what will happen now and some how
Only god knows what will happen now and somehow
No matter how hard ya try
No matter how hard you try
Ya cant stop us now
You can't stoo us now
Atas dasar apa kau mengucap sumpah
What is your excuse screaming your swears
Ingat rotasi siapa harus di atas siapa di bawah
Mind the rotation who is on the top or loses at the bottom
Tiada daya kita tuk cipta kuasa antara benar atau salah
We are powerless to bear truth and lies
Tiada mampu kita tuk dapat memilah siapa menang, siapa kalah
We are lawless to distinguish whose winning or losing