BACK-ON with you feat.Me english translation
BACK-ON with you feat.Me song lyrics
BACK-ON with you feat.Me translation
Within my encounters and breakups with others,
出会い別れの中 探し続けて
I keep on searching for that "special" someone.
日々は猛スピードで 僕を追い越してくのに
Even though my days were overtaking me at alarmingly high speed,
I was standing still for a long time
君はただ 笑って 『みんな同じだ』って言って
You smiled at me, telling me "It's the same for everyone",
前を見て 歩いていた
and, while looking ahead, you kept walking
Uh, The vivid color in my mind
binds the pain of the past
From here, I'll cross over those boundaries I created!
作り上げた境界線! その手を離すな!!
Those hands that have been seperated
Met with you and became strong!
物足りない毎日が 満ち足りた日々へ
Every day was unfulfilled, The days I wanted to be happy
(モノクロに見えてた世界はカラー! この瞳のなかキミがいるから!)
(The world I saw was in black and white because in those eyes, you are here!)
My world stopped, then started to move
今までの僕は 何をしてたんだろう
Until now, I did what you did
窮屈な狭い世界から 飛び出すと決めたんだ
In a cramped, narrow world, I decided to jump out
太陽と地の間で目指す! ぶれる事はない胸のコンパス!
Aiming at the sun and the earth
歩み続けんだ明日の方角! 道がないのなら、道を創作!
Not ignoring the compass in my heart, While I walk on the direction of tomorrow
Be creative if you have no choice, music has no limits
暗い 部屋でふさぎ込んだ あの頃の 僕は
Closed in a crowded room in those days
明日に呼ばれても 振り向けなかった
I didn't turn to tomorrow
(Aiming at the light that's far away. Split the darkness and continue with hope)
I remembered how to laugh with you
1+1が生んだ衝動 比翼の翼羽ばたき上昇!
One by one, with an impulse I produced wings and I rose above flapping ever more
夢掴むまでの距離はso long! 追い風にRide on!!
Grasp the distant dream, S\so long! Chase the nearby wind, ride on!!
Met with you and became strong!
物足りない毎日が 満ち足りた日々へ
Every day was unfulfilled, The days I wanted to be happy
(モノクロに見えてた世界はカラー! この瞳のなかキミがいるから!)
(The world I saw was in black and white because in those eyes, you are here!)
My world had stopped,
When I grasp those hands in a dream,
I always want you beside me smiling,
(Aiming at the light that's far away. Split the darkness and continue with hope)
君がいたから 僕は未来とまた出逢えたんだ…
I can see my future if we can meet again.