Bacilos Miro la Luna y Pienso en Ti english translation
Bacilos Miro la Luna y Pienso en Ti song lyrics
Bacilos Miro la Luna y Pienso en Ti translation
hoy me pare a mirar la luna
today I stopped to look at the moon
y detuve unos momentos mi carrera a la locura
and I stopped a few moments my career to madness
pense en todas esa cosas que mire bajo esa luna
I thought of all those things that I looked under that moon
en mi sitio en mi lugar
in my place in my place
pero haya era tan ditinta
but there was so dit
la testigo silenciosa de esas noches sin final
the silent witness of those nights without end
hoy solo es el monumento del recuerdo
Today is just the monument of remembrance
de aquel hombre que yo fui alguna vez
from that man that I was once
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
pienso en la soledad que ocupa hoy tu lugar
I think about the loneliness that your place occupies today
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
hoy me pare a mirar la luna
today I stopped to look at the moon
y detuve unos momentos mi carrera a la locura
and I stopped a few moments my career to madness
pero haya era tan distina la testigo silenciosa
but there was so different the silent witness
de esas noches sin final
of those nights without end
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
pienso en la soledad que ocupa hoy tu lugar
I think about the loneliness that your place occupies today
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
porque en las noches te recuerdo
because at night I remember you
tu me haces falta mujer
you need me woman
cuando mas miedo me tengo
when I'm most afraid
miro la luna y pienso...
I look at the moon and I think ...
a media luz es facil ver
at half light it is easy to see
a media luz es facil ver
at half light it is easy to see
a media luz es facil ver
at half light it is easy to see
que poco nos quedo, nadie se recordo
how little we stayed, nobody remembered
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
miro la luna miro la luna
I look at the moon I look at the moon
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you
pienso en la soledad que ocupa hoy tu lugar
I think about the loneliness that your place occupies today
miro la luna y pienso en ti
I look at the moon and I think about you