Alfredo Olivas Tus Lágrimas english translation
Alfredo Olivas Tus Lágrimas song lyrics
Alfredo Olivas Tus Lágrimas translation
Tus lagrimas parecen sinceras
Your tears seem sincere
el rimel corrido evidencia
the mascara run evidence
el dulce sabor de la derrota
the sweet taste of defeat
no se si estoy sonriendo de miedo
I do not know if I'm smiling with fear
o es que sencillamente disfruto
or is that I simply enjoy
tu arrepentimiento a cuenta gotas...
your repentance on account drops ...
Tus Lagrimas parecen sinceras
Your tears seem sincere
tanto que pienso muy seriamente
so much that I think very seriously
en ya levantarte el castigo
in and to get up the punishment
yo no se aquí quien es el que pierde
I do not know who is the loser
pero dime si acaso eso importa
but tell me if that matters
yo no puedo estar ya más sin verte...
I can not be without seeing you ...
Sin tan solo hubieses escuchado
Without only you would have listened
fueras aceptado mi perdón
you were accepted my forgiveness
al final también soy ser humano
at the end I am also a human being
tal vez si no usaras maquillaje
maybe if you did not use makeup
sería un poco menos evidente
it would be a little less obvious
el desgastamiento en tu persona...
the wearing down of your person ...
Quizás si no te ganara el coraje
Maybe if you do not win your courage
jamás te hubieras ido de viaje
you would never have gone on a trip
y tendría otro título esta historia...
and this story would have another title ...
"Tus Lagrimas" formaron un rio
"Your Tears" formed a river
tu adiós a mí me dejo un desierto
your goodbye to me left me a desert
en el que casi moría de frio
in which he almost died of cold
no me dejas otra alternativa
you do not leave me another alternative
que rodear tu cuerpo con mis brazos
that surround your body with my arms
y secar con besos tu mejilla...
and dry your cheek with kisses ...
Si tan solo hubieses escuchado
If only you had listened
o hubieras pedido explicación
or you would have asked for an explanation
tal vez mi argumento habría importado
maybe my argument would have mattered
si el cielo no estuviera tan gris
if the sky was not so gray
el invierno a punto de llegar
the winter about to arrive
el dialogo no tendría sentido...
the dialogue would not make sense ...
Si la visita fuera casual
If the visit were casual
si hubieses tardado un poco más
if you had taken a little longer
al corazón le haría caso mí son
I would listen to my heart
tal vez si no usaras maquillaje
maybe if you did not use makeup
sería un poco menos el deseo
it would be a little less desire
que me esta orillando a darte un beso...
that is bordering me to give you a kiss ...
letra agregada por agustin muñoz hdez.
lyrics added by agustin muñoz hdez.