Alex Ubago Míranos english translation

Alex Ubago Míranos song lyrics
Alex Ubago Míranos translation
Después de todo este final
After all this end
que en realidad
That in fact
es el comienzo de una guerra sin cuartel
is the beginning of a merciless war
que humilla y avergüenza
That humiliates and embarrasses

Ni yo tampoco reconozco que te amé
Nor did I recognize that I loved you.
como mirarnos a los ojos
Like looking us in the eyes
y saber
And know
que ha sido de nosotros
What has been of us
Dejalo nos hemos ya manchado bien
Leave it, we have already well stained
el alma entera y lo peor es que seguimos
The whole soul and the worst is that we keep beeing
presos de este odio intenso
prisoners of this intense hatred

Look at us
que ha sido de nosotros dos
What has become of us two
excombatientes de un amor que nos lleno de vida
Ex-combatants of a love that filled us with life
Miranos en este ring desolador
Look at us in this heartbreaking ring
poniendo precio a un deshonor
Putting a price to a dishonor
que solo siembra heridas
Which only sows wounds
que estupidos los dos
How stupid were the two of us
que triste esta bajada del telón
How sad this fall of the curtain

Cuantos momentos quedarán
How many moments will be left?
sin recordar
With no memory
ya sepultados para siempre por afan
Already buried forever, for eagerness
y la rabia indecente
And indecent anger
Que nos convierte en estos locos sin razon
That turns us into these madmen without reason
que solo pisan platos rotos con dolor
That only walk on broken plates with pain
tan sucios y con escombros
So dirty and in disarray
Leave it
nos hemos ya manchado bien el alma entero y lo peor es que seguimos presos de este odio intenso
We have already stained our entire soul and the worst thing is that we are still prisoners of this intense hatred

Look at us
que ha sido de nosotros dos
What has become of us two
excombatientes de un amor que nos lleno de vida
Ex-combatants of a love that filled us with life
Look at us
en este ring desolador
In this heartbreaking ring
poniendo precio a un deshonor que solo siembra heridas
Putting price to a dishonor that only sows wounds
que estupidos los dos
How stupid were the two of us
que triste esta bajada del telón
How sad this fall of the curtain

Y ahora miranos
And now, look at us
que ha sido de nosotros dos
What has become of us two
excombatientes de un amor que nos lleno de vida
Ex-combatants of a love that filled us with life
Look at us
en este ring desolador
In this heartbreaking ring
poniendo precio a un deshonor que solo siembra heridas
Putting price to a dishonor that only sows wounds
que estupidos los dos
How stupid were the two of us
que triste esta bajada del telón...
How sad this fall of the curtain