AK-69 上ヲ向イテ english translation

AK-69 上ヲ向イテ song lyrics
AK-69 上ヲ向イテ translation
肩落とす日もあるHomie 泣きたくなるくれぇだてHomie
There will be days where you'll be disappointed homie, when you'll want to cry homie
負けちまったなぁ 負けちまったのに
When you've lost and faced defeat
終わりなどねぇんだて 俺らのStory
But there's no end to our story
ほら鳴り止まない鼓動 笑えるほど 無謀な挑戦上等
You can still hear the heart beating, it's almost funny how reckless we were going up against these fights
所詮は2つの事 人間は「生まれ」「死ぬ」だけのモノ oh
In the end only 2 things are known, we were "born" and then we "die" oh
The biggest loss in life isn't about dying
最大の損失は生きとるうちに魂が死に絶えることだて All right?
The biggest loss is your spirit dying while you're still alive all right?
さあ行こう いつかの夕焼け
So let's go, to the sunset
涙は拭いて お前の肩抱くのは誰?
Wipe away those tears man, who's gonna have your back?
Only dreams will visit you while you're asleep

いつの間にか お気にのスニーカー 汚れ歩むて夕焼け
Got my best sneakers on but I never noticed how dirty they got as I walked towards the sunset
上向こう I make you smile 流す涙の分だけ
Look up and smile the same amount of times you've shed those tears
I hope you got your head up
I hope you got your head up
You gotta keep your head up
You gotta keep your head up
Oh, ほら Never lay up
Oh, really never lay up
Never let you down
Never let you down

I hope you got your head up
I hope you got your head up
You gotta keep your head up
You gotta keep your head up
Wipe those tears off your face and look up
I'm here for you

なぁ聞いてもいいか? 何がいってぇFreedom
Ay let me ask you, what's freedom?
偽りの自分を愛されるより ありのままの自分を憎まれる方がいいな
Don't love me for who I'm not, I would rather you hate me for who I am
開く扉 ほらJohn Lennonも言っとったて「Let it be」
Open the door, like John Lennon said 'Let it be'
激しく そしてなすがままに
Violently, all at nature's will
We're only living this moment
でも ごめんだて社会の餌食
But I ain't trying to become another victim of society
Even Lupin can't steal your dream
生きとるうちは夢見ることを諦めちゃダメだて 呆れるくれぇ
You've got to keep the dream alive no matter while you're still livin'
暗い夜を乗り越えると 必ずそこにゃ眩しい朝が来る
The morning light waits after the dark night
So 悲劇に感謝 俺のアートにゃ必要なモノだから
So I give thanks to all the tragedies in my life as I need'em to paint my art

いつの間にか お気にのスニーカー 汚れ歩むて夕焼け
Got my best sneakers on but I never noticed how dirty they got as I walked towards the sunset
上向こう I make you smile 流す涙の分だけ
Look up and smile the same amount of times you've shed those tears
I hope you got your head up
I hope you got your head up
You gotta keep your head up
You gotta keep your head up
Oh, ほら Never lay up
Oh, really never lay up
Never let you down
Never let you down

I hope you got your head up
I hope you got your head up
You gotta keep your head up
You gotta keep your head up
Wipe those tears off your face and look up
I'm here for you