AK-69 もう1ミリ english translation

Feat 般若
AK-69 もう1ミリ song lyrics
AK-69 もう1ミリ translation
During the fight when you think you've given up
常人は限界だと叫ぶ 心から
When the average man will scream that he's at his limit from the bottom of his heart
もう正直 相当追い込みかけとるモード
Honestly, this is going to the final lap when after giving it all
意識は遠のき 朦朧とするところから掴むTomorrow
Losing conciousness, I feel like I'm gonna faint but but it's in this moment that I can grab hold of what awaits tomorrow
挑む奴は黙る 逃げる奴は愚痴る
Those who will go up against the challenge will do so with their mouths shut, while those who run away will talk that s
大抵逃げたなるで 逃げることに言い訳ばかり探す
Most will run away, looking for all the excuses to escape
自身を律し勝つぞ まるで三崎和雄
Pushing myself to the limit like Misaki Kazuo
命尽きるまでが闘いだ 侍たるもの
It's fight till death, the way of the Samurai
刃はこぼれ 斬れぬ刀かざし 斬りかかるは己
The edges are broken while I still bear the katana the cannot cut, I'm here to slay my own self
Breaking new ground with the fight, dancing with the fear inside

もう1ミリ… もう1ミリ…
One more millimeter... One more millimeter...
もう1ミリ… もう1ミリ…
One more millimeter... One more millimeter...

例えばココが死後の世界で あの頃の映像を見てるとしよう
Let's say we're in the afterlife and we're looking at the visions from the past
まるで昨日の事 あと1秒踏ん張れたはずなのに何故か妥協
You remember it is as if it was yesterday, all it took was 1 more second but you gave it all up
嫌だ そんなの嫌だ そもそも生きてんだよ俺まだ
H no, f that, I'm still living
只 納得してぇな ハハ 勝ち負けなんてなちょっとの差だ
I want to understand it, the difference between losing and winning is divided only by a thin line
殺してくれ今すぐ じゃなきやボクは気が狂う
Hurry up and kill me now, or else I'ma go crazy
I've noticed the the fire that sparks me to move that 1 millimeter forward
上の上 目指し狭い世界 別れ告げ 手振れ
High up and above, to reach the small world say farewell, wave your hands
ライバルこそがBest friend 挑戦は当然だエンドレス
Once a rival who's now your friend, challenges naturally erupt, it's endless
My heart stays warm while I pour more gasoline in it
朽ち果てるまで叫ぶ やれると
I'm gonna scream my will till the day I rot
My failure from yesterday is my new hope from today
夢の中で思い描き 何とな
I wrote it all in my dream, I imagined it...